Emanuela Piga Bruni (Author)
Alcune delle principali raffigurazioni dell’automa nell’immaginario letterario e audiovisivo. Il dialogo tra l’essere umano e il cyborg, l’androide, il robot, sul confine tra interrogatorio e seduta psicoanalitica. Che cosa significa essere umani? L’osservazione della macchina antropomorfa, intesa come metafora rovesciata, o nostro negativo, fa emergere la presa di coscienza della nostra fragilità, umana e di tutto il pianeta. [Abstract translated by Google Translate: This is the abstract in English… Some of the main representations of artificial intelligence in the literary and audiovisual imagination. The dialogue between the human being and the cyborg, the android, the robot, on the border between interrogation and psychoanalytic session. What does it mean to be human? The observation of the anthropomorphic machine, understood as an inverted metaphor, or our negative, brings out the awareness of our fragility, human and of the whole planet.]
Katina Michael;
Diana Bowman;
Meg Leta Jones;
Ramona Pringle;
(March 2018)
Robots and Socio-Ethical Implications [Guest Editorial]
Laura Leondina Campanozzi;
Eugenio Guglielmelli;
Eleonora Cella;
Giampaolo Ghilardi;
Mirta Michilli;
Alfonso Molina;
Massimo Ciccozzi;
Vittoadolfo Tambone;
(December 2019)
Building Trust in Social Robotics: A Pilot Survey
Evan Donahue;
Android Linguistics: How Machines Do Things with Words
Lisa Vox;
Existential Threats: American Apocalyptic Beliefs in the Technological Era
Marta Bertolaso;
Alfredo Marcos;
Umanesimo tecnologico. Una riflessione filosofica sull'intelligenza artificiale
Awa Hanane Diagne;
Emily Grenon;
Syeda Hasan;
Holly K. M. Johnstone;
Edward Jones-Imhotep;
Alexander Offord;
Neve Ostry Young;
Sarai Rudder;
The Black Androids: A Chrestomathy
LaGrandeur, Kevin;
Androids and Intelligent Networks in Early Modern Literature and Culture: Artificial Slaves
Jessica Dickson;
Do Cyborgs Desire Their Own Subjection? Thinking Anthropology With Cinematic Science Fiction
Katherine Buse;
How to Build a Planet: Science Fiction, Planetary Science, and the Making of Worlds
Sherryl Vint;
Science Fiction
Lester D. Friedman;
Allison B. Kavey;
Monstrous Progeny: A History of the Frankenstein Narratives
Geraci, Robert;
Robots and the sacred in science and science fiction: Theological implications of artificial intelligence
Ryan J. Morrison;
Ethical Depictions of Neurodivergence in SF about AI
LaGrandeur, Kevin;
The Persistent Peril of the Artificial Slave
Ilan Safit;
Posthuman Lessons of the Televisual: Science Fiction and the Praxis of Techno-Humanity
Alač, Morana;
Movellan, Javier;
Tanaka, Fumihide;
(December 2011)
When a robot is social: Spatial arrangements and multimodal semiotic engagement in the practice of social robotics
Geraci, Robert;
Cyborgs, robots, and eternal avatars: Transhumanist salvation at the interface of brains and machines
Gorp, Baldwin Van;
Rommes, Els;
Emons, Pascale;
From the Wizard to the Doubter: Prototypes of Scientists and Engineers in Fiction and Non-Fiction Media Aimed at Dutch Children and Teenagers
Brown, Alistair;
E-Volutionary Fictions: The Darwin Algorithm in Literature and Computer Games
Sarewitz, Daniel R.;
Braden R. Allenby;
The Techno-Human Condition
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