Raggetti, Lucia (Author)
The manuscript Oxford Bodleian Huntington 600 contains two Galenic summaries – On the method of healing and On simple drugs – that share the same structure: short introduction, tree-diagrams (tašğīr) and a table (ğadwal). This chapter focusses on the summary of On simple drugs, discussing its composition and the way in which the materia medica is displayed and explained. The relation between this summary and the original Greek materials, along with their selection, is another crucial issued raised by this Arabic summary. This study also offers an edition and English translation of the introduction and other relevant passages, along with the section including the tree diagrams.
...MoreArticle Matteo Martelli; Caroline Petit; Lucia Raggetti (2020) Introduction. New Perspectives on Galen’s Treatise On Simple Drugs and the History of Pharmacology. Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences (pp. 6-15).
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