Zhang, Meifang (Author)
Liu, Bing (Author)
The study investigates in the Benchmark for Scientific Literacy of Chinese Citizens. The background of issuing the Benchmark, its procedure, and contents are analyzed; the key for analysis revolves around the huge debate triggered by the Benchmark on Chinese internet. The debate can be traced to historical discussions in China, regarding the relation between science and humanity, the boundary of science, and the goals for science education. We recognize that in the anxiety for modernization since 1840s in China, the gap between science and humanity studies persists; scientism still dominates the dialogue. Instead, we value pluralism in science and scientific literacy, and emphasize locality as a framework in understanding and assessing traditional Chinese knowledge and practices, including yin-yang theory, the five phases theory, and feng shui. We propose that good science education aims at eliminating scientism, enriching public understandings on the history of science, the culture, and philosophy of science.
...MoreArticle Michael R. Matthews (2021) Feng Shui in Science Programmes. Science and Education (pp. 1319-1332).
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