Cogliati, Alberto (Author)
La scoperta, o l’invenzione, della geometria non euclidea costituisce uno snodo fondamentale dello sviluppo storico della matematica; è difficile pensare a un evento che abbia avuto un impatto altrettanto diffuso e profondo. L’imporsi di una geometria alternativa a quella euclidea, infatti, non solo determinò mutamenti radicali nella concezione degli enti e degli assiomi della matematica, ma produsse effetti significativi e duraturi anche nel campo della logica, dei rapporti tra matematica e fisica e, più in generale, nell’ambito della teoria della conoscenza. Il volume propone una storia della geometria non euclidea ricostruendo, attraverso una trattazione rigorosa sia sul piano storico sia su quello matematico, il plurimillenario processo di riflessione sui fondamenti della disciplina che condusse, nella prima metà dell’Ottocento, matematici quali Bolyai, Gauss e Lobacevskij alla scoperta della geometria iperbolica. [Abstract translated by Google Translate: This is the abstract in English… The discovery, or invention, of non-Euclidean geometry constitutes a fundamental turning point in the historical development of mathematics; it is difficult to think of an event that has had such a widespread and profound impact. The imposition of an alternative geometry to the Euclidean one, in fact, not only brought about radical changes in the conception of the entities and axioms of mathematics, but also produced significant and lasting effects in the field of logic, of the relationships between mathematics and physics and, more specifically general, within the theory of knowledge. The volume proposes a history of non-Euclidean geometry by reconstructing, through a rigorous treatment on both a historical and mathematical level, the thousand-year-old process of reflection on the foundations of the discipline which led, in the first half of the nineteenth century, mathematicians such as Bolyai, Gauss and Lobacevskij discovering hyperbolic geometry.]
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Poincaré, la nozione di gruppo e il Programma di Erlangen di F. Klein
Gray, Jeremy J.;
János Bolyai, Non-Euclidean Geometry, and the Nature of Space
Tanács, János;
Grasping the Conceptual Difference between János Bolyai and Lobachevskii's Notions of Non-Euclidean Parallelism
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La réception du logicisme en France en réaction à la controverse Poincaré-Russell
de Saint-Gervais, Henri Paul;
Poincaré, Henri;
Klein, Christian Felix;
Uniformisation des surfaces de Riemann retour sur un théorème centenaire
Chen, Huiyong;
Study on the Approach to Realize the Thought of Gauss' Non-Euclidean Geometry
Abardia, Judit;
Reventós, Agustí;
Rodríguez, Carlos J.;
What Did Gauss Read in the Appendix?
Maria de Paz;
José Ferreirós;
From Gauss to Riemann Through Jacobi: Interactions Between the Epistemologies of Geometry and Mechanics?
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Kant et l'intuition épistémique
Shoji, Kota;
The Contact of Differential Geometry and Continuous Groups of Transformations: W. Killing's “Ueber die Grundlagen der Geometrie”
Dölen, Emre;
Salih Zeki and the Darülfünun
De Risi, Vincenzo;
Mathematizing Space: The Objects of Geometry from Antiquity to the Early Modern Age
Lara Piersanti;
Vailati e Russell
Silvio Bozzi;
Vailati e la logica
Vincenzo De Risi;
Leibniz and the Structure of Sciences: Modern Perspectives on the History of Logic, Mathematics, Epistemology
Alberto Cogliati;
Sulla ricezione del "Theorema Egregium," 1828-1868
Nabonnand, Philippe;
La polémique entre Poincaré et Russell au sujet du statut des axiomes de la géométrie
Charpentier, Éric;
Ghys, Étienne;
Lesne, Annick;
The Scientific Legacy of Poincaré
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The Contributions of Hilbert and Dehn to Non-Archimedean Geometries and Their Impact on the Italian School
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Ancient Geometry and Plato's Philosophy on the Base of Pappus' “Comment on the Xth Book of Elements of Euclid”
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