Simone Capozzi (Author)
The catastrophic changes of a globalised planet have transformed the relationships between human beings, nature and technology. The interconnectedness of environmental, economic and identity crises exposes us to the perception of an ungovernable, precarious and out-of-control world. Within this framework, reading Ernesto De Martino’s The Magical World (1948) can be an invigorating experience: by proposing a prehistory of subjectivity in three acts (anguish, crisis and redemption), the historical drama of the magic world presents us with a phenomenology of the crisis that affects human communities when the horizons of signification narrow and the domesticity of the world are lost. The impasse is overcome through recourse to the mythical-ritual device and the continuous process of humanisation and stabilisation of the real, which, infusing ‘domesticity’ into reality, at the same time transforms ritual actors from passive succubi of uncontrollable forces and phenomena into active subjects, builders of meaning at the centre of a world that makes sense. An authentic book of the year zero, despite or perhaps because of the contradictions that animate it, the Magical World can still profoundly speak to us.
Reuss, Martin;
Cutcliffe, Stephen H.;
The illusary boundary: Environment and technology in history
Francesco Remotti;
De Martino e l'Antropocene: la fine di un mondo
Paolo Pecere;
Il tarantismo e i paralleli etnologici: note su La Terra del rimorso e la ricerca sulla possessione rituale oggi
Matthew Kelly;
The Thames Barrier: Climate Change, Shipping and the Transition to a New Envirotechnical Regime
Robert R. Gioielli;
Environmental Activism and the Urban Crisis: Baltimore, St. Louis, Chicago
Jon Agar;
Technology, Environment and Modern Britain: Historiography and Intersections
Andrew R. Highsmith;
Demolition Means Progress: Flint, Michigan, and the Fate of the American Metropolis
Edwin A. Martini;
Proving Grounds: Militarized Landscapes, Weapons Testing, and the Environmental Impact of U.S. Bases
Jeroen Oomen;
Imagining Climate Engineering: Dreaming of the Designer Climate
Sverker Sörlin;
Nina Wormbs;
Environing Technologies: A Theory of Making Environment
Miles Hayden Orvell;
Klaus Benesch;
Rethinking the American City: An International Dialogue
Christopher J. Manganiello;
Southern Water, Southern Power: How the Politics of Cheap Energy and Water Scarcity Shaped a Region
Nadia Covini;
Strutture portuali e attraversamenti del Po: alcuni aspetti delle relazioni tra comunità, signori e stato ducale lombardo, secolo XV
Meg Parsons;
Destabilizing Narrative of the "Triumph of the White Man over the Tropics": Scientific Knowledge and the Management of Race in Queensland, 1900-1940
Stephen Legg;
Debating the Climatological Role of Forests in Australia, 1827-1949: A Survey of the Popular Press
Kirsty Douglas;
"For the Sake of a Little Grass": A Comparative History of Settler Science and Environmental Limits in South Australia and the Great Plains
Bruce Tranter;
Libby Lester;
Climate Patriots? Concern Over Climate Change and Other Environmental Issues in Australia
Peter Holland;
Jim Williams;
Pioneer Settlers Recognizing and Responding to the Climatic Challenges of Southern New Zealand
Emily O'Gorman;
James Beattie;
Matthew Henry;
Epilogue: Future Research Directions
Don Garden;
Extreme Weather and ENSO: Their Social and Cultural Ramifications in New Zealand and Australia, 1890s
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