Scientific institutions have increasingly embraced formalized research data management strategies, which involve complex social practices of codifying the tacit dimensions of data practices. Several guidelines to facilitate these practices have been introduced in recent years, for example, the FAIR guiding principles. The aim of these practices is to foster transparency and reproducibility through ‘data sharing,’ the public release of data for unbounded reuse. However, a closer look suggests that many scientists’ practices of data release might be better described as what I call data handovers. These practices are not rooted in the lofty ideals of good scientific practice and global data reuse but in the more mundane necessities of research continuity, which have become more urgent in light of increasing academic mobility. The Austrian scientists interviewed for this study reinterpreted defining features of research data management – such as ensuring findability – as techniques for managing the effects of researcher mobility. This suggests that the adoption of Open Science practices might be dissociated from its stated epistemic goals, and explains why many Open Science initiatives at present are administratively strong but normatively weak.
Lisa Sigl;
(May 2016)
On the Tacit Governance of Research by Uncertainty: How Early Stage Researchers Contribute to the Governance of Life Science Research
Müller, Ruth;
Postdoctoral Life Scientists and Supervision Work in the Contemporary University: A Case Study of Changes in the Cultural Norms of Science
Aynne Kokas;
Platform Patrol: China, the United States, and the Global Battle for Data Security
Marja Alastalo;
Ilpo Helén;
A code for care and control: The PIN as an operator of interoperability in the Nordic welfare state
Mariel Borowitz;
Open Space: The Global Effort for Open Access to Environmental Satellite Data
Sarah Klein;
Between People and Paper: Inhabiting Experiment in a Journal Club
Dorien Daling;
“On the ruins of seriality”: The scientific journal and the nature of the scientific life
Jane Maienschein;
John N. Parker;
Laubichler, Manfred Dietrich;
Edward J. Hackett;
Data Management and Data Sharing in Science and Technology Studies
Ludovica Paseri;
Scienza aperta: Politiche europee per un nuovo paradigma della ricerca
Katharina Kniefacz;
Elisabeth Nemeth;
Herbert Posch;
Friedrich Stadler;
Universität - Forschung - Lehre: Themen und Perspektiven im langen 20. Jahrhundert
Gerhard Holzer;
Christine Ottner-Diesenberger;
Petra Svatek;
Wissenschaftliche Forschung in Österreich 1800 - 1900: Spezialisierung, Organisation, Praxis
Emily Hauptmann;
Why they shared: Recovering early arguments for sharing social scientific data
Sonja van Wichelen;
After biosovereignty: The material transfer agreement as technology of relations
Michael Penkler;
Kay Felder;
Ulrike Felt;
Challenging Diversity: Steering Effects of Buzzwords in Projectified Health Care
Maximilian Fochler;
(September 2016)
Variants of Epistemic Capitalism: Knowledge Production and the Accumulation of Worth in Commercial Biotechnology and the Academic Life Sciences
Mitchell G. Ash;
History of science in Central and Eastern Europe: Studies from Poland, Hungary, and Croatia
Michael Penkler;
Kay Felder;
Ulrike Felt;
(June 2015)
Diagnostic Narratives: Creating Visions of Austrian Society in Print Media Accounts of Obesity
Julia Metag;
Mike S. Schäfer;
Tobias Füchslin;
Tjado Barsuhn;
Katharina Kleinen-von Königslöw;
(April 2016)
Perceptions of Climate Change Imagery: Evoked Salience and Self-Efficacy in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria
Johannes Sima;
Vergangenheit als Zukunft: Aspekte der Zukunft im Denkmalschutz: Grundlagen und Maßnahmen für den Erhalt von Baudenkmälern (Past as Future: Aspects of the Future in Monument Protection: Principles and Measures for the Preservation of Historical Monuments)
Maximilian Fochler;
(April 2016)
Beyond and between academia and business: How Austrian biotechnology researchers describe high-tech startup companies as spaces of knowledge production
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