Article ID: CBB272699475

From Völkerpsychologie to Cultural Anthropology: Erich Rothacker’s Philosophy of Culture (2020)


Erich Rothacker (1888–1965) was a key figure in early twentieth-century philosophy in Germany. In this article, I examine the development of Rothacker’s philosophy of culture from 1907 to 1945. Rothacker began his philosophical career with a “völkerpsychological” dissertation on history, outlining his early biologistic conception of culture (1907–13). In his midcareer work, he then turned to Wilhelm Dilthey’s (1833–1911) Lebensphilosophie (philosophy of life), advancing a hermeneutic approach to culture (1919–28). In his later work (1929–45), Rothacker developed a cultural anthropology. I will argue that Rothacker’s later theory of culture retained key motifs of his earlier works. In this way, I trace central aspects of Rothacker’s reception of both Völkerpsychologie and Lebensphilosophie. The article focuses on two aspects of Rothacker’s philosophical development that deserve more attention than they have received to date: his reception of Völkerpsychologie and the political character of his theories of culture. Rothacker’s theoretical work was closely connected to his political conservatism, which culminated in his engagement with National Socialism. The article unearths problematic aspects of the legacy of Völkerpsychologie and Lebensphilosophie in early twentieth-century German thought.

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Authors & Contributors
Gross, Dominik
Klautke, Egbert
Weindling, Paul J.
Westemeier, Jens
Bauer, Heike
Düppe, Till
History of the Human Sciences
Acta Historica Leopoldina
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
French Historical Studies
History of Psychiatry
Journal of the History of Biology
Bloomsbury Academic
Oxford University Press
Temple University Press
University of Pennsylvania Press
Wallstein Verlag
Göttingen Wallstein Verlag
Science and politics
Science and culture
World War II
Science and race
Einstein, Albert
Hirschfeld, Magnus
Neugebauer, Otto
Escherich, Karl
Time Periods
20th century, early
20th century
19th century
20th century, late
Paris (France)
The German Central Association of Homeopathic Physicians (DZVhA)

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