Helmreich, Stefan (Author)
In A Book of Waves Stefan Helmreich examines ocean waves as forms of media that carry ecological, geopolitical, and climatological news about our planet. Drawing on ethnographic work with oceanographers and coastal engineers in the Netherlands, the United States, Australia, Japan, and Bangladesh, Helmreich details how scientists at sea and in the lab apprehend waves’ materiality through abstractions, seeking to capture in technical language these avatars of nature at once periodic and irreversible, wild and pacific, ephemeral and eternal. For researchers and their publics, the meanings of waves also reflect visions of the ocean as an environmental infrastructure fundamental to trade, travel, warfare, humanitarian rescue, recreation, and managing sea level rise. Interleaving ethnographic chapters with reflections on waves in mythology, surf culture, feminist theory, film, Indigenous Pacific activisms, Black Atlantic history, cosmology, and more, Helmreich demonstrates how waves mark out the wakes and breaks of social histories and futures.
Wilko Graf von Hardenberg;
Making a Stable Sea: The Littorals of Eighteenth-Century Europe and the Origins of a Spatial Concept
Galloway, James A.;
Coastal Flooding and Socioeconomic Change in Eastern England in the Later Middle Ages
Wilko Graf von Hardenberg;
Knowing the Littoral: Perception and Representation of Terraqueous Spaces in a Global Perspective
Marina Tolmacheva;
Reflections on the Knowledge of Shallow Waters
Stefan Helmreich;
Flipping the Field
Serpil Oppermann;
Storied Seas and Living Metaphors in the Blue Humanities
Caroline Archer-Parré;
Malcolm Dick;
Pen, print and communication in the eighteenth century
David Parisi;
Archaeologies of Touch: Interfacing with Haptics from Electricity to Computing
Melody Jue;
Wild Blue Media: Thinking through Seawater
Michael Veitch;
Southern Surveyor: Stories From Onboard Australia's Ocean Research Vessel
Samuel A. Robinson;
Ocean Science and the British Cold War State
Jessica Lehman;
(July 2021)
Sea Change: The World Ocean Circulation Experiment and the Productive Limits of Ocean Variability
Patrick Anthony;
Mines, Mountains, and the Making of a Vertical Consciousness in Germany Ca. 1800
Christopher L. Pastore;
The Science of Shallow Waters: Connecting and Classifying the Early Modern Atlantic
Felix Lüttge;
Seas of Data; or, The Oceanographer in the Archive
Greg Bankoff;
Aeolian Empires: The Influence of Winds and Currents on European Maritime Expansion in the Days of Sail
Samantha Muka;
Imagining the Ocean: Marine Artists and Our Visions of the Marine World
Antony Adler;
Neptune’s Laboratory: Fantasy, Fear, and Science at Sea
Lino Camprubí;
Review of "Waters of the World: The Story of the Scientists Who Unraveled the Mysteries of Our Oceans, Atmosphere, and Ice Sheets and Made the Planet Whole"
Kjell Ericson;
Making Space for Red Tide: Discolored Water and the Early Twentieth Century Bayscape of Japanese Pearl Cultivation
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