Herodotus’s enigmatic Scythian theleia nousos/morbus femininus and its Hippocratic interpretation interested many early modern authors. Its seeming dimension of transgender identification invited various medico-psychological and psychiatric reflections, culminating in nosologist de Sauvages’ tentative 1731 term, melancholia Scytharum. This article identifies pertinent discussions and what turn out to have been entangled, tentative psychologizations in late-seventeenth through mid-nineteenth-century mental medicine: of ‘effeminacy of manners’ (mollities animi such as observed in London’s Beaux and mollies) and male homosexuality (amour antiphysique/grec); of the mental masculinity of some women (viragines, Amazones); of ubiquitous attributions of impotence to sorcery (anaphrodisia magica); and lastly, of transfeminine persons encountered throughout the New World and increasingly beyond.
David Pilgrim;
British mental healthcare responses to adult homosexuality and gender non-conforming children at the turn of the twenty-first century
Najmabadi, Afsaneh;
Professing Selves: Transsexuality and Same-Sex Desire in Contemporary Iran
Eder, Sandra;
The Birth of Gender: Clinical Encounters with Hermaphroditic Children at Johns Hopkins (1940--1956)
Pamela K. Stone;
Lise Shapiro Sanders;
Bodies and Lives in Victorian England: Science, Sexuality, and the Affliction of Being Female
Greta LaFleur;
Masha Raskolnikov;
Anna Kłosowska;
Trans Historical: Gender Plurality Before the Modern
Shields, Stephanie A.;
Passionate Men, Emotional Women: Psychology Constructs Gender Difference in the Late 19th Century
Forth, Christopher E.;
Crozier, Ivan;
Body Parts: Critical Explorations in Corporeality
Peter Hegarty;
A Recent History of Lesbian and Gay Psychology: From Homophobia to LGBT
Reis, Elizabeth;
Impossible Hermaphrodites: Intersex in America, 1620--1960
Maybrey, Catherine R.;
From Onanism to Orgasm: Masturbation, Medicine and Gender in America, 1646--1953
Reis, Elizabeth;
Bodies in Doubt: An American History of Intersex
Pauline Mortas;
Alain Giami;
Sharman Levinson;
Popular Medical Books and Defloration: Shaping Femininity and Masculinity in the Nineteenth Century
Stahnisch, Frank;
Steger, Florian;
Medizin, Geschichte und Geschlecht: Körperhistorische Rekonstruktionen von Identitäten und Differenzen
Klöppel, Ulrike;
XX0XY ungelöst: Hermaphroditismus, Sex und Gender in der deutschen Medizin; eine historische Studie zur Intersexualität
Sander, Sabine;
Gesundheit statt Galanterie: Der Paradigmenwechsel in ärztlichen Schönheitsratgebern im Jahrhundert der Aufklärung
Sandra Eder;
Gender and Cortisone: Clinical Practice and Transatlantic Exchange in the Medical Management of Intersex in the 1950s
Marta V. Vicente;
The Medicalization of the Transsexual: Patient-Physician Narratives in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
Leah DeVun;
The Shape of Sex: Nonbinary Gender from Genesis to the Renaissance
Valerie Moyer;
The Seeping Surveillance of Sex in Sports
M. Hicks;
Hacking the Cis-tem
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