In twenty-first century US education, laboratory metaphors are used to frame school governance and classroom practices. To explore how non-laboratory and non-traditional laboratory settings are framed as sites for experimentation, science and technology studies (STS) has two parallel trajectories for conceptualizing the laboratorization of society: the literal implantation of laboratories into physical locations and the metaphorical application that looks at the world as if it were a laboratory, that is from a ‘laboratory perspective’. Concerning the latter, the laboratory perspective offers STS ways to study: (1) how laboratory metaphors frame social and cultural understandings of scientific knowledge production; (2) the work laboratory metaphors do when used to describe non-laboratory settings. Fieldwork in two classrooms reveals how laboratory metaphors reproduce different but coexisting images of scientific knowledge production. There is an ideal image of laboratories as orderly, with a controlled amount of outside influence. This image frames schools as places with which to experiment from the top-down. There is a more empirical image of laboratories as socially and culturally structured. This image frames schools as places to conduct experiments from the bottom-up. Though each framing positions teachers and students differently, both are useful for characterizing the dynamics of US education.
Griffiths, Rebecca J.;
Maron, Nancy L.;
(Fall 2016)
Open Educational Resources: Nearing an Inflection Point for Adoption?
Vaughan Prain;
Brian Hand;
Theorizing the Future of Science Education Research
Cahan, David;
Helmholtz and the Shaping of the American Physics Elite in the Gilded Age
Antonio Caserio;
Problemi di geometria di fine Ottocento
Luigi Pepe;
On the History of Mathematical Education in Italy in the Eighteenth Century
John A. Mihelich;
Dilshani Sarathchandra;
Leontina Hormel;
Debbie A. Storrs;
Michelle M. Wiest;
Public Understanding of Science and K-12 STEM Education Outcomes: Effects of Idaho Parents’ Orientation Toward Science on Students’ Attitudes Toward Science
Michael Lachney;
Liz O. Boltz;
Brittany Dillman;
Candace Robertson;
Aman Yadav;
Local Classrooms, Global Technologies: Toward the Integration of Sociotechnical Macroethical Issues Into Teacher Education
Karen A. Johnson;
Abul Pitre Fayetteville State University North Carolina;
Kenneth L. Johnson;
African American Women Educators: A Critical Examination of Their Pedagogies, Educational Ideas, and Activism from the Nineteenth to the Mid-twentieth Century
Slaton, Amy;
George Washington Carver Slept Here: Racial Identity and Laboratory Practice at Iowa State College
Huang, Luwen;
Willcox, Karen E.;
Miller, Haynes R.;
(Fall 2016)
Crosslinks: Improving Course Connectivity Using Online Open Educational Resources
Lee Fergusson;
Javier Ortiz Cabrejos;
Anna Bonshek;
Health and school performance during home isolation at Institución Educativa Privada Prescott in Puno, Perú
Rury, John L.;
Akaba, Sanae;
The Geo-Spatial Distribution of Educational Attainment: Cultural Capital and Uneven Development in Metropolitan Kansas City, 1960--1980
Klein, Boris;
Leçons Privées
Stéphanie Homola;
La relation de maître à disciple en question : transmission orale et écrite des savoirs divinatoires en Chine et à Taïwan
Marilyn Fleer;
Niklas Pramling;
A Cultural-Historical Study of Children Learning Science: Foregrounding Affective Imagination in Play-based Settings
Gwilym Croucher;
James Waghorne;
Australian Universities: A History of Common Cause
Schwedt, Georg;
Liebig und seine Schüler: Die neue Schule der Chemie
Pepe, Luigi;
Copernico e lo Studio di Ferrara: Università, Dottori e Studenti
Babini, Valeria P.;
Simili, Raffaella;
More than Pupils: Italian Women in Science at the Turn of the 20th Century
Brandon Boesch;
Representing in the Student Laboratory
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