Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) was the first pandemic of the 21st century, and Canada was the only Western nation to experience an outbreak. The effects of the outbreak on Canadian society provide a window to understanding responses to future pandemics. Over the short run, SARS had a major effect on the Canadian economy: adverse effects were experienced by health-care workers, who were at greatest risk of contracting the disease; by workers in the hospitality industry, who lost income as tourism and travel ground to a halt; and by the Chinese-Canadian community, who experienced discrimination because of the Chinese origins of SARS. However, over the long term there were few consequences of the outbreak in Canada, whether in the social, economic, or political domains. The principal effects were improvements in the Canadian public health system, many of which were rolled back after a decade without a major epidemic.
Frédéric Keck;
Avian Reservoirs: Virus Hunters and Birdwatchers in Chinese Sentinel Posts
Tyshenko, Michael G;
Paterson, Cathy;
SARS Unmasked: Risk Communication of Pandemics and Influenza in Canada
Duffin, Jacalyn;
Sweetman, Arthur;
SARS in Context: Memory, History, Policy
MacDougall, Heather;
Toronto's Health Department in Action: Influenza in 1918 and SARS in 2003
Esyllt W. Jones;
Open Secrets: Silence, Suppression, and Memory in the History of Canada’s 1918–20 Influenza Pandemic
Florence Bretelle‐Establet;
Science, Demons, and Gods in the Battle Against the COVID-19 Epidemic
Dehner, George;
Influenza: A Century of Science and Public Health Response
Frédéric Keck;
Asian Tigers and the Chinese Dragon: Competition and Collaboration Between Sentinels of Pandemics from Sars to COVID-19
Eun Kyung Choi;
Jong-Koo Lee;
Changes of Global Infectious Disease Governance in 2000s: Rise of Global Health Security and Transformation of Infectious Disease Control System in South Korea
Katherine Mason;
Infectious Change: Reinventing Chinese Public Health After an Epidemic
Wayne Soon;
From SARS to COVID-19: Rethinking Global Health Lessons from Taiwan
Sioban Nelson;
The SARS Pandemic in Toronto, Canada, 2003
Geissler, P. W.;
Public Secrets in Public Health: Knowing Not to Know while Making Scientific Knowledge
Livingston, Julie;
Improvising Medicine: An African Oncology Ward in an Emerging Cancer Epidemic
Bragesjö, Fredrik;
Hallberg, Margareta;
Dilemmas of a Vitalizing Vaccine Market: Lessons from the MMR Vaccine/Autism Debate
Hoyt, Kendall;
Long Shot: Vaccines for National Defense
Barr, Donald A.;
Health Disparities in the United States: Social Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Health
Stefano Santasilia;
Pandemia e stili di vita: pazienza
Silvia Caianiello;
Accelerazione. Riflessioni sulle temporalità della pandemia
Stefania Achella;
Ragioni della scienza e ragioni politiche. Alcune considerazioni filosofiche
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