Fornaciari, Antonio (Author)
Giuffra, Valentina (Author)
In the early 19 century the cholera endemic in Bengal spread to the West as an effect of the revolution in transportation resulting from the invention of the steam engine. Tuscany was struck in 1835 and then, even more violently, in 1854-55. Between 2007 and 2010, the Division of Paleopathology of the University of Pisa undertook the archaeological exploration of the cholera cemetery of Benabbio, a mountain village near Lucca, where the cholera lashed between August and October of 1855 causing 46 deaths in a population of around 900 inhabitants. The archaeological excavation of the cholera cemetery made it possible to detect for the first time the characteristics of these types of burials and provide a new resource for anthropologists and historians of medicine revealing the differences between persistent traditional local customs and regulations imposed by the religious and civic authorities.
Mauro Rubini;
Nunzia Libianchi;
Alessandro Gozzi;
Paola Zaio;
Elena Dellù;
Infectious diseases in paleopathology: a methodological approach to epidemiological situations
Giovanni Spani;
Elena Varotto;
Malattie e medicina tra letteratura, storia e antropologia
Tina Travagliante;
Democratismo e indipendentismo: dall'epidemia di colera del 1837 alla rivoluzione del 1848 in Sicilia
Holland, Michael;
Gill, Geoffrey;
Burrell, Sean;
Cholera and Conflict: 19th Century Cholera in Britain and Its Social Consequences
Tullo, Ellen;
Plague of Icy Breath. Cholera and the Gateshead Community 1831--1832
Urška Bratož;
L’esangue invasore venuto da oriente. Il colera nell’Istria nordoccidentale (1830-1890)
Il Metodo curativo per il Cholera Morbus nelle carte della biblioteca personale del cavalier Sebastiano Blasco
Mirko Traversari;
Eugenio Bortolini;
Stefano Benazzi;
Diachronic variations (from the 17th to the 18th century) of some paleopathological aspects of a small mountain community in Modena (Italy): the case of Roccapelago
Gustavo Gómez Barbieri;
Jatniel Delgado Valdivia;
Oscar F. Araneda;
Massimo Pandolfi;
Niurka Taureaux;
Hernán E. Lechuga;
Mauricio Soto-Suazo;
Chile-Italy a Historicist View of Pandemics and Epidemics: What are the Lessons we Must Learn? A Scoping Review Article
Rebelo, Fernanda;
Entre o Carlo R. e o Orleannais: a saúde pública e a profilaxia marítima no relato de dois casos de navios de imigrantes no porto do Rio de Janeiro, 1893--1907
Rus, Dorin-Ioan;
Das Tagebuch und die Briefkarten des Pfarrers Gustav Kinn uber die Choleraepidemie in Sächsisch-Regen im Jahre 1873
Janakan, Gnananandan;
Ellis, Harold;
Dr Thomas Aitchison Latta (c.1796--1833): Pioneer Of Intravenous Fluid Replacement in the Treatment of Cholera
Margaret Pelling;
'Bosom Vipers': Endemic Versus Epidemic Disease
Nunes, Everardo Duarte;
Henry Mayhew: jornalista, investigador social e precursor da pesquisa qualitativa
Whooley, Owen;
Knowledge in the Time of Cholera: The Struggle over American Medicine in the Nineteenth Century
Almeida, Maria Antónia Pires de;
As epidemias nas notícias em Portugal: cólera, peste, tifo, gripe e varíola, 1854--1918
Karimkhanzand, Mostafa;
Iranian Medicine's Encounter with the Cholera and Plague Epidemics in Qajar Iran in the 19th Century
Valentina Gazzaniga;
Silvia Marinozzi;
De Carbone, Sive Carbuncolo. Il Carbonchio nella Pubblicistica Italiana dalla Restaurazione all'Unità
Luisa Ferrari;
From Body Preservation to Pathology Museums in Italy: Conservation and Modern Value of a Historical and Biological Archive
Carbonetti, Adrián;
Rodríguez, María Laura;
Las epidemias de cólera en Córdoba a través del periodismo: la oferta de productos preservativos y curativos durante la epidemiade 1867--1868
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