Article ID: CBB246935870

‘Great is Darwin and Bergson His Poet’: Julian Huxley's Other Evolutionary Synthesis (2018)


In 1912, Julian Huxley published his first book The Individual in the Animal Kingdom which he dedicated to the then world-famous French philosopher Henri Bergson. Historians have generally adopted one of two attitudes towards Huxley's early encounter with Bergson. They either dismiss it entirely as unimportant or minimize it, deeming it a youthful indiscretion preceding Huxley's full conversion to Fisherian Darwinism. Close biographical study and archive materials demonstrate, however, that neither position is tenable. The study of the Bergsonian elements in play in Julian Huxley's early works fed into Huxley's first ideas about progress in evolution and even his celebrated theories of bird courtship. Furthermore, the view that Huxley rejected Bergson in his later years needs to be revised. Although Huxley ended up claiming that Bergson's theory of evolution had no explanatory power, he never repudiated the descriptive power of Bergson's controversial notion of the élan vital. Even into the Modern Synthesis period, Huxley represented his own synthesis as drawing decisively on Bergson's philosophy.

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Authors & Contributors
Pence, Charles H.
Bashford, Alison
Beatty, John H.
Bowler, Peter J.
Deese, Richard Samuel
Duarte, Regina Horta
Journal of the History of Biology
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Biology and Philosophy
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
University of Chicago Press
Academic Press
Boston University
Oxford University Press
University of California, Riverside
Modern Synthesis (biology)
Progress, ideas of
Natural selection
Huxley, Julian Sorell
Darwin, Charles Robert
Huxley, Thomas Henry
Bergson, Henri Louis
Ehrenfest, Paul
Glass, Bentley
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
20th century, late
18th century
21st century
United States

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