Verena Lehmbrock (Author)
This article examines a little-known chapter both in the history of socialist labor relations and the history of psychology: Social Psychological Training (SPT) for industrial leaders in the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Based on previously untapped archival sources, it uncovers the transnational genesis of SPT and its intricate relationships with Western “therapeutic culture” of the 1970s. Governmental perspectives are addressed, as well as the level of individual appropriation of SPT and possible unintended side effects of techniques that were drawn from the social psychological and therapeutical fields. This case study helps to explore the functions of psychological expertise in authoritarian political contexts, as well as the polyvalence of group methods of change, the effects of which could turn out repressive as well as liberating on both sides of the Iron Curtain. The history of SPT solicits a polycentric view on therapeutic culture, capturing its diverse manifestations and interconnections between different societies and political economies.
Michael Kaasch;
Joachim Kaasch;
Torsten K. D. Himmel;
Biologie in der DDR: Beiträge zur 24. Jahrestagung der DGGTB in Greifswald 2015.
Wutzke, Ulrich;
Ein Buch wider das Vergessen
Friedrich Cain;
Authority Claims Situating Socialist Science Studies in the GDR
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Red Prometheus: Engineering and Dictatorship in East Germany, 1945--1990
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Avant-Garde and Psychotechnics: Science, Art and Technology in the Early Soviet Union
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Jacó-Vilela, Ana Maria;
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La gauche évolutionniste. Spencer et ses lecteurs en France et en Italie
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Evolutionary Theories and Religious Traditions: National, Transnational, and Global Perspectives, 1800–1920
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Lamarckism by Other Means: Interpreting Pavlov’s Conditioned Reflexes in Twentieth-Century Britain
Luminita Gatejel;
Warten, hoffen und endlich fahren: Auto und Sozialismus in der Sowjetunion, in Rumänien und der DDR (1956–1989/91)
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Navigating global socialism: Tanzanian students in and beyond East Germany
Rubin, Eli;
Synthetic Socialism: Plastics and Dictatorship in the German Democratic Republic
Hübner, Peter;
Eliten im Sozialismus: Beiträge zur Sozialgeschichte der DDR (Elites under Socialism: Contributions to the Social History of the GDR)
Thomas Fleischman;
Paul S. Sutter;
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Leuenberger, Christine;
Socialist psychotherapy and its dissidents
Stokes, Raymond G.;
Constructing Socialism: Technology and Change in East Germany, 1945-1990
Richard McMahon;
National Races: Transnational Power Struggles in the Sciences and Politics of Human Diversity, 1840-1945
Annika A. Culver;
Japan's Empire of Birds: Aristocrats, Anglo-Americans, and Transwar Ornithology
Richert, Lucas;
“Therapy Means Political Change, Not Peanut Butter”: American Radical Psychiatry, 1968--1975
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