Alexander I. Parry (Author)
Over the course of the Progressive Era, revised scientific accounts of the connections between dust, germs, and disease recast debates over public health. The American School of Home Economics and other institutions affiliated with the emerging subfield of household bacteriology regarded detecting and eliminating pathogens as necessary means to achieve safer homes and communities. Although several historians have attributed the rise of early twentieth-century technocracy and the decline of grassroots health activism to germ theory, household bacteriology complicates this standard narrative. Educators like Sophronia Maria Elliott (1854–1942) rejected the command-and-control tactics of the “new” public health and instead instructed women how to culture microorganisms and to measure the risks of infection within their surrounding environments using kitchen experiments. Household bacteriologists aspired to train “sanitary citizens” with the right and the duty to test for germs with everyday equipment, to prevent disease with effective housekeeping, and to advocate for policies and infrastructure to keep society well.
Platt, Harold L.;
“Clever Microbes”: Bacteriology and Sanitary Technology in Manchester and Chicago During the Progressive Age
Robert Bartlett;
Yamaan Saadeh;
Victor Vaughan (1851–1929) and the Birth of Bacteriology in the United States
Margaret Pelling;
Mythological Endings: John Snow (1813–1858) and the History of American Epidemiology
Whooley, Owen;
Cholera and Quacks: The Epistemic Contest over Medicine in the 19th Century United States
Aro Velmet;
Pasteur's Empire: Bacteriology and Politics in France, Its Colonies, and the World
Aro Velmet;
The making of a Pastorian empire: tuberculosis and bacteriological technopolitics in French colonialism and international science, 1890–1940
Michael Dwyer;
Strangling Angel: Diphtheria and Childhood Immunization in Ireland
Berger, Silvia;
Bakterien in Krieg und Frieden: eine Geschichte der medizinischen Bakteriologie in Deutschland 1890--1933
Stark, James F.;
Anthrax and Australia in a Global Context: The International Exchange of Theories and Practices with Britain and France, c. 1850--1920
Leo van Bergen;
Uncertainty, Anxiety, Frugality: Dealing with Leprosy in the Dutch East Indies, 1816-1942
Christos Lynteris;
Pestis Minor: The History of a Contested Plague Pathology
Moore, P. G.;
Behind the Scenes of Scottish Researches into Agar Supply during the 1940s
Dolman, Claude E.;
Wolfe, Richard J.;
Theobald Smith, Microbiologist: Suppressing the Diseases of Animals and Man
Kazanjian, Powel H.;
The Beginnings of Bacteriology in American Medicine: Works of Frederick Novy, 1888--1933
McKenna, Maryn;
Superbug: The Fatal Menace of MRSA
Lukas Engelmann;
A Plague of Kinyounism: The Caricatures of Bacteriology in 1900 San Francisco
Davidovitch, Nadav;
Zalashik, Rakefet;
Pasteur in Palestine: The Politics of the Laboratory
Weigl, Andreas;
The Rise and Fall of the Fürsorgerin (Female Welfare Worker) in Austrian Public Health Services: Theory and Practice of a Professional Link within a Changing Social and Epidemiological Framework
Carreta, Jorge Augusto;
Oswaldo Cruz e a controvérsia da sorologia
Imma Forino;
La cucina: Storia culturale di un luogo domestico
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