Article ID: CBB238707288

The Rush for Greenlandic Metals (2017)


Arctic indigenous peoples are widely recognized as living examples of successful adaptation to severe environmental conditions. However, ethnographic and anthropological studies tend to focus mainly on immaterial "traditional knowledge," while tangible artifacts and practices, related skills and technologies that still constitute the very existence of these communities remain largely unexplored. In this essay we suggest an alternative – designerly – look into the culture of Arctic natives in order to get closer to discovering secrets of withstanding extreme and ever-changing natural circumstances.

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Authors & Contributors
Bigelow, Allison Margaret
Doel, Ronald E.
Cañizares-Esguerra, Jorge
Friedman, Robert Marc
Harper, Kristine C.
Hébert, Karen
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society
History and Technology
History of Meteorology
Journal of Historical Geography
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau
Harvard University
Indiana University Press
University of Calgary Press
University of North Carolina Press
University of Toronto Press
Indigenous peoples; indigeneity
Mines and mining
Cold War
Cross-national interaction
Science and politics
Ahlmann, Hans Wilhelmsson
Barba, Alvaro Alonso
Columbus, Christopher
Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo Fernández
Wegener, Alfred Lothar
Bartolomé Inga
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
21st century
18th century
20th century, late
Early modern
United States
Alaska (U.S.)
South West Africa Company (SWACO)

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