Article ID: CBB237801938

Ein verkanntes Genie? Mendels Entdeckungen und ihre Bedeutung für Pflanzenzüchtung und die Grüne Revolution (A misunderstood genius? Mendel's discoveries and their significance for plant breeding and the Green Revolution) (2023)


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Authors & Contributors
Edwards, A. W. F.
Fischer, Ernst Peter
Kingsbury, Noel
Kitcher, Phillip
Kortright, Christopher Michael
Lorencová, Ivana
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau
Perspectives on Science
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Oxford University Press
University of Chicago Press
Yale University
Czech Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
Mendel's law
Green revolution
Mendelism; Mendelian inheritance
Science and society
Science and politics
Mendel, Gregor Johann
Burbank, Luther
Correns, Carl Erich
Dunn, Leslie Clarence
Galton, Francis
Haeckel, Ernst
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
20th century, early
20th century, late
16th century
21st century
Czech Republic
Great Britain
Soviet Union
Cambridge University
Genetics Society of America

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