AI is altering not only local and global society, but what it means to be human, or, to be counted as such. In the midst of concerns about the ethics of AI, calls are emerging for AI to be decolonized. What does the decolonization of AI imply? This article explores this question, writing from the post-colony of South Africa where the imbrications of race, colonialism and technology have been experienced and debated in ways that hold global meaning and relevance for this discussion. Proceeding in two parts, this article explores the notion of de/coloniality and its emphasis on undoing legacies of colonialism and logics of race, before critiquing two major discontents of AI today: ethics as a colonial rationality and racializing dividing practices. This article develops a critical basis from which to articulate a question that sits exterior to current AI practice and its critical discourses: can AI be decolonized?
John Zerilli;
A Citizen's Guide to Artificial Intelligence
Mark Coeckelbergh;
AI Ethics
Cristiano Castelfranchi;
For a Science-oriented, Socially Responsible, and Self-aware AI: beyond Ethical Issues
Marta Bertolaso;
Alfredo Marcos;
Umanesimo tecnologico. Una riflessione filosofica sull'intelligenza artificiale
Katina Michael;
Diana Bowman;
Meg Leta Jones;
Ramona Pringle;
(March 2018)
Robots and Socio-Ethical Implications [Guest Editorial]
Rino Falcone;
Cognizione e Sistemi Intelligenti: il ruolo della Fiducia
Stephen Cave;
Kanta Dihal;
Sarah Dillon;
AI Narratives: A History of Imaginative Thinking about Intelligent Machines
Neda Atanasoski;
Kalindi Vora;
Surrogate Humanity: Race, Robots, and the Politics of Technological Futures
Roberto Pieraccini;
AI Assistants
Ethem Alpaydın;
Machine Learning
Jennifer Robertson;
Robo sapiens japanicus: Robots, Gender, Family, and the Japanese Nation
Katherine Chandler;
Apartheid drone: Infrastructures of militarism and the hidden genealogies of the South African Seeker
Monica Riccio;
Espressione delle emozioni, intelligenza artificiale, vacanza delle scienze umane
Anne Henriksen;
Lasse Blond;
Executive-centered AI? Designing predictive systems for the public sector
Daniel White;
The Mechanics of Fear. Re-envisioning Anxiety through Emerging Technologies of Affect (Funktionsweisen der Furcht. Neue Konzepte von Angst im Kontext der emotionalen Robotik)
Luisa Simonutti;
Credere e delegare? Filosofia e religione interrogano l'intelligenza artificiale. Alcuni appunti
Laura Leondina Campanozzi;
Eugenio Guglielmelli;
Eleonora Cella;
Giampaolo Ghilardi;
Mirta Michilli;
Alfonso Molina;
Massimo Ciccozzi;
Vittoadolfo Tambone;
(December 2019)
Building Trust in Social Robotics: A Pilot Survey
Tiina Männistö-Funk;
“One Fine Day Your Car Will Also Start to Speak”: Automotive Voices as Promises of Machine Intelligence
Marco Maggesi;
Una introduzione visiva al Machine Learning e al Deep Learning
Emanuela Piga Bruni;
La macchina fragile. L'inconscio artificiale fra letteratura, cinema e televisione
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