Article ID: CBB229057405

The Global Comrades of Mr. Democracy and Mr. Science: Placing May Fourth in a Transnational History of Science Activism (2022)


Schmalzer, Sigrid (Author)

East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
Volume: 16
Issue: 3
Pages: 305-326

Publication Date: 2022
Edition Details: Special Issue: Challenging and Reinvigorating China’s “Mr. Science”: Global History, Science and Democracy, Universality without Eurocentrism, and Beyond
Language: English

The May Fourth movement is widely recognized as a watershed within Chinese cultural and political history, but it was also a significant local episode within a global history of science activism. Quaintly idiosyncratic as Chen Duxiu’s “two gentlemen,” Mr. Democracy and Mr. Science, may appear, they have also animated (in only somewhat less personified form) a transnational “conversation” very much alive today. Focusing on neglected Marxist participants, this paper reconstructs meaningful snatches of that long conversation in China, Russia, Britain, the US, and Japan. It finds that Chinese voices contributed in timely and important ways, especially on the problem of imperialism for science and democracy. It further shows that Marxists, in China and beyond, have shared certain modernist values with their liberal counterparts, including a faith in the democratic potential of universally valid scientific knowledge; however, they have offered highly divergent perspectives on what constitutes democracy and how it relates to science, challenging liberal efforts to separate science from politics and highlighting the contradictions generated by capitalism. A fuller understanding of the significance of Marxist and Chinese contributions to the cumulative discourse on science and democracy, and a livelier engagement with their voices, will help generate more liberatory socio-technical imaginaries.

Associated with

Article Victor Seow; Sean Hsiang-lin Lei (2022) Who Is Mr. Science and Why Does He Matter?. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (pp. 269-278). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Minazzi, Fabio
Chilvers, C. A. J.
Enebakk, Vidar
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British Journal for the History of Science
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
History of the Human Sciences
HOST: Journal of History of Science and Technology
Journal of the History of Biology
Kritiki: Critical Science & Education
Franco Angeli
University of Minnesota Press
History of science, as a discipline
Science and politics
Philosophy of science
Hessen, Boris Mikhailovich
Antonio Banfi
Bernal, John Desmond
Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich
Crowther, James Gerald
Darwin, Charles Robert
Time Periods
20th century
20th century, early
20th century, late
21st century
Great Britain
Soviet Union
Marburg School of Philosophy

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