Article Graeme Wynn (2023) Forests, Frontiers, and Extractivism. Environmental History (pp. 640-655).
Article Ellen Stroud (2023) New Directions in Forest History, but Please No New Frontiers. Environmental History (pp. 687-693).
Article Graeme Wynn (2023) Forest History and Environmental History: Kissing Cousins?. Environmental History (pp. 694-710).
Article Mark J. McLaughlin (2023) Forests as Laboratories: The Intersections of the Histories of Forests, the Environment, and Science. Environmental History (pp. 679-686).
Article Willa Brown (2023) “Half Man, Half Wildcat”: Itinerancy and the Myth of Frontier Manhood in the United States’ Lake Region. Environmental History (pp. 668-678).
Willa Brown;
“Half Man, Half Wildcat”: Itinerancy and the Myth of Frontier Manhood in the United States’ Lake Region
Graeme Wynn;
Forests, Frontiers, and Extractivism
Marcelo González Gálvez;
Fernanda Gallegos;
Valentina Turén;
Unfinished extinction and the velocities of capitalist sacrifices in the woodlands of central Chile
Ellen Stroud;
New Directions in Forest History, but Please No New Frontiers
Mark J. McLaughlin;
Forests as Laboratories: The Intersections of the Histories of Forests, the Environment, and Science
Jason Newton;
(January 5, 2021)
The Winter Workscape: Weather and the Meaning of Industrial Capitalism in the Northern Forest, 1850-1950
Ann Folino White;
Plowed Under: Food Policy Protests and Performance in New Deal America
Ryan C. Edwards;
Convicts and conservation: Inmate labor, fires and forestry in southernmost Argentina
Mario Jimenez Sifuentez;
Of Forests and Fields: Mexican Labor in the Pacific Northwest
Steven C. Beda;
Strong Winds and Widow Makers: Workers, Nature, and Environmental Conflict in Pacific Northwest Timber Country
Zachary Dorner;
Unnamed, not unskilled: Toward a new labor history of pharmacy
Emily K. Brock;
Money Trees: The Douglas Fir and American Forestry, 1900-1944
Juan Carlos Skewes;
La regeneración de la vida en los tiempos del capitalismo: Otras huellas en los bosques nativos del centro y sur de Chile [The regeneration of life in times of capitalism: Other traces in the native forests of central and southern Chile]
Sven Beckert;
Empire of Cotton: A Global History
Mila Daskalova;
Printing as Poison, Printing as Cure: Work and Health in the Nineteenth-Century Printing Office and Asylum
Maria Fusaro;
The Burden of Risk: Early Modern Maritime Enterprise and Varieties of Capitalism
Gavin Wright;
Slavery and Anglo-American capitalism revisited
Peter A. Coclanis;
(July 2016)
Review of "Empire of Cotton: A Global History"
Brian P. Luskey;
Men is Cheap: Exposing the frauds of free labor in Civil War America
Leon Fink;
Workers in Hard Times: A Long View of Economic Crises
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