Brantly H. Moore (Author)
Keblusek, Marika (Advisor)
This dissertation extends beyond the art historical canon and traditional methodologies to redirect scholarly attention back to a crucial aspect of early modern life: bodily experience and knowledge creation. Framing the early modern collector’s cabinet as a display technology specific to the Kunst- und Wunderkammer, or art and curiosity collection, I illuminate the crucial role of the German cabinetmaker in constructing the interactive furnishings that mediated the cognitive and bodily perception of objects of knowledge of elite collectors in the sixteenth century. Joining the static functions of object preservation and organization with the dynamic performativity of concealment and revelation, collector’s cabinets staged novel and short-lived patterns of interactions between early modern persons and objects. The construction, decoration, and contents of the most spectacular of collector’s cabinets not only impelled but also actively invited the physical handling of objects. Four chapters contextualize the iconographic, representational, material, organizational, and interactive properties of collector’s cabinets alongside contemporary inventories, devotional literature and practices, and treatises on collecting and natural history that document early modern approaches to knowledge acquisition. Grafting previously unmapped forms of early modern experience onto masterworks of artisanal skill and ingenuity, this study illuminates the ingenuity of sixteenth-century German cabinetmakers who revolutionized early modern persons’ perceptions of and interactions with (art) objects.
Alessia Pannese;
“Anything that Is Strang”: Normality, Deviance, and the Tradescants’ Collecting Legacy
Dupré, Sven;
Lüthy, Christoph;
Silent Messengers: The Circulation of Material Objects of Knowledge in the Early Modern Low Countries
Florence Fearrington;
Mark D. Tomasko;
Rooms of Wonder: From Wunderkammer to Museum, 1599–1899
Ottaviani, Alessandro;
The Coral of Death
Knoeff, Rina;
Touching Anatomy: On the Handling of Preparations in the Anatomical Cabinets of Frederik Ruysch (1638--1731)
van de Roemer, Gijsbert M.;
From Vanitas to Veneration: The Embellishments in the Anatomical Cabinet of Frederik Ruysch
Ezio Zanini;
L'arte del legno tra Medioevo e Rinascimento. Tecniche e segreti nelle botteghe dei falegnami
Paulina Oszajca;
Opere di Mattioli e degli altri naturalisti italiani nelle raccolte delle biblioteche cracoviane
Julius von Schlosser;
Art and curiosity cabinets of the late Renaissance : A contribution to the history of collecting
Arlene Leis;
Kacie L. Wills;
Women and the Art and Science of Collecting in Eighteenth-Century Europe
Achim, Miruna;
Podgorny, Irina;
Museos al detalle: colecciones, antigüedades e historia natural, 1790--1870
Stéphane Pelucchi;
La collection du cabinet d’histoire naturelle de Lavoisier : Sa place dans son œuvre scientifique
Jorink, Eric;
Ramakers, Bart;
Art and Science in the Early Modern Netherlands
Noam Andrews;
Gilding Kepler’s Cosmology
Taape, Tillmann;
Distilling Reliable Remedies: Hieronymus Brunschwig's Liber de arte distillandi (1500) Between Alchemical Learning and Craft Practice
Maren-Sophie Fünderich;
Perfektion in Technik und Form: Unternehmensstrategien in der Möbelfertigung zwischen 1750 und 1914 (Perfection in technology and form. Corporate strategies in furniture manufacturing between 1750 and 1914)
Alexandra Rose;
Jane Desborough;
Science City: Craft, Commerce and Curiosity in London 1550-1800
Bruno Almeida;
Transmitting Nautical and Cosmographical Knowledge in the 16th and 17th Centuries: The Case of Pedro Nunes
O'Brien, Patrick;
Historical Foundations for a Global Perspective on the Emergence of a Western European Regime for the Discovery, Development, and Diffusion of Useful and Reliable Knowledge
Pastorino, Cesare;
The Mine and the Furnace: Francis Bacon, Thomas Russell, and Early Stuart Mining Culture
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