Article ID: CBB218463572

Fighting with Rotating Blades, Boomerangs, and Crushing Punches: A History of Mecha from a Robotics Point of View (2024)


This work is the extended version of a paper presented at the conference HMM2021, about the history of mechanical engineering. First, the initial cultural and industrial steps in the robotic field in Japan are introduced, to display the beginning of this interlaced path, before WW2; then, in the context of the aftermaths of the war, some famous anime heroes are presented as ancestors of the coming mecha anime series. The rising research in the field of robotics and more generally the developments of contemporary Japanese automation industry are then drawn, as a technological substrate for mecha conception. In particular, Masahiro Mori studies are taken into consideration to identify an actual robot design pattern to apply to the following comparative description and examination of the different mecha; finally, thanks to this analysis, the common breeding ground whence robotics and mecha (and their reciprocal influences) arise, is outlined.

Included in

Article Marco Ceccarelli; Rafael López-García (2024) Introduction to the Special Issue: Findings of History of Mechanism Science. Foundations of Science (pp. 1-4). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Carr, Nicholas G.
Castañeda, Claudia
González de Posada, Francisco
González Redondo, Francisco A.
Kameyama, Tetsuya
Kubo, Akinori
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
Social Studies of Science
Acta Philosophica
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
History and Technology
化学史研究 [Kagakushi kenkyū; Journal of the Japanese Society for the History of Chemistry]
University of Chicago
Palgrave Macmillan
Random House
University of California Press
State University of New York at Buffalo
Automata; robotics; cyborgs
Technology and culture
Artificial intelligence
Human-machine interaction
Technology and society
Mori, Masahiro
Dick, Philip K.
Freud, Sigmund
Haraway, Donna Jeanne
Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Amadeus
Paré, Ambroise
Time Periods
21st century
20th century
20th century, late
16th century
18th century
19th century

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