This is Paper 2 in the 27‐paper series on the history of the development of the Woodward‐Hoffmann rules. Paper 2 takes the reader back to the 1950s and early 1960s, before the publication of the first Woodward‐Hoffmann paper in January 1965. The scope of the pericyclic no‐mechanism problem is described along with many of the key “hints” or “clues” to orbital symmetry control that were available in the literature prior to 1965. A chronology of reactions with alternating stereospecificities is provided. A second chronology of alternating theoretical hints is provided, e. g., 4 n +2 versus 4 n . Another chronology is provided, that of the development of frontier molecular orbital theory, with and without phases and nodes. A tabulation is provided of 36 instances in which the MOs of 1,3‐butadiene were reported in the literature. A knowledge of the MOs of 1,3‐butadiene, plus a knowledge of some of the alternating stereospecific reactions, could have led many chemists to the solution of the pericyclic no‐mechanism problem before Woodward and Hoffmann.
...MoreReview Arthur Greenberg (2022) Review of "History of the Woodward‐Hoffmann Rules. The No‐Mechanism Puzzle**". Bulletin for the History of Chemistry (pp. 260-262).
Jeffrey I. Seeman;
“The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth:” Writing the History of the Woodward-Hoffmann Rules
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Woodward-Hoffmann's Stereochemistry of Electrocyclic Reactions: From Day 1 to the JACS Receipt Date (May 5, 1964 to November 30, 1964)
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The Back Story: KC, EJ, and Arbie. Three Generations of Eminent Synthetic Organic Chemists
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Richard J. Friary;
A school for synthesis: R. B. Woodward and the Woodward Research Institute remembered
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Richard J. Friary;
Liberating R. B. Woodward and the Woodward Research Institute from Error
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Hydrogen Isotopes in Physical Organic Chemistry
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Robert B. Woodward: Organic Synthesizer par excellence---On the 25th Anniversary of His Death
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Organic synthesis and R.B. Woodward: An historical study in the chemical sciences
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Giant Molecules: From Nylon to Nanotubes
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“A Way of Thinking Backwards”: Computing and Method in Synthetic Organic Chemistry
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In Defense of the Use of the French Language in Scientific Communication, 1965-1985: National and International Deliberations and an Ingeniously Clever Takeoff on the Theme by R. B. Woodward
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Earl Sutherland (1915--1975) and the Discovery of Cyclic Amp
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Membranes to Molecular Machines: Active Matter and the Remaking of Life
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Atoms and Bonds in Molecules and Chemical Explanations
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Mole, Past and Present
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The Chemical Histories of Soot and Buckminsterfullerene
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