Melissa Atkinson-Graham (Author)
Kenney, Martha (Author)
Kelly Ladd (Author)
Murray, Cameron Michael (Author)
Emily Astra-Jean Simmonds (Author)
This collaborative article, written by graduate students who attended the Politics of Care in Technoscience Workshop, brings the themes in this volume to bear on their own developing science and technology study projects and research practices. Exploring the contours of five specific moments where questions of care have arisen in the course of their everyday research, they do not find a single or untroubled definition of care; instead, care is often a site of ambivalence, tension, and puzzlement. However, despite this uneasiness, they argue that taking the time to reflect on the multiple, sometimes conflicting, forms and definitions of care within a specific research context can inform the way that science and technology studies scholars envision and conduct their work.
Daniel Jon Mitchell;
Eran Tal;
Hasok Chang;
The Making of Measurement: Editors’ Introduction
Madeleine Akrich;
Actor Network Theory, Bruno Latour, and the CSI
Kathleen M. Vogel;
Michael A. Dennis;
(September 2018)
Tacit Knowledge, Secrecy, and Intelligence Assessments: STS Interventions by Two Participant Observers
Mody, Cyrus C. M.;
Short-term implications of convergence for scientific and engineering disciplines
Jakob Lundgren;
No "Real" Experts: Unexpected Agreement Over Disagreement in STS and Philosophy of Science
Casper Bruun Jensen;
Exercises in Irreduction: Some Latourian Favourites
Steve Woolgar;
Javier Lezaun;
Missing the (of Question) Mark? What Is a Turn to Ontology?
Birch, Kean;
The Political Economy of Technoscience: An Emerging Research Agenda
Siyu Fu;
Kristian H. Nielsen;
The humanist challenge to China’s dominant policies for popularizing science and technology (PST)
Lynch, Michael;
Cole, Simon;
Science and Technology Studies on Trial: Dilemmas of Expertise
Vandermoere, Frédéric;
Vanderstraeten, Raf;
Disciplinary Networks and Bounding: Scientific Communication between Science and Technology Studies and the History of Science
Chu, Pingyi;
Zhanwang Taiwan de keji yu liliaoshi yenjiu: Yige Taiwan dangdai zhishi sheqiun de fenxi
Mead, Walter B.;
A Symposium on the Relevance of Michael Polanyi's Insights to a Reformulated Understanding of Science, Technology, and Society
Essay Review
Dayé, Christian;
“According to the Books...”: Reviewing Science Studies Textbooks
Mayer, Anna-K.;
Setting Up a Discipline, II: British History of Science and “the end of ideology”, 1931-1948
Rip, Arie;
De ambivalente maatschappelijke rol en taak van wetenschapsstudies
Vanderburg, Willem H.;
The Contemporary University and the Poverty of Nations: Rethinking the Mission of STS
Mark Solovey;
Christian Dayé;
Cold War Social Science: Transnational Entanglements
Shi, Yanfei;
Economics of Scientific Knowledge: A Rational Choice Institutionalist Theory of Science
Taubert, Niels C.;
Minerva and the Development of Science (Policy) Studies
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