A bloomery furnace existed and was active in Val Cervia, one of the valleys of the Bergamesque Alps near Valtellina, from the second half of the fourteenth century. After a first roasting at high altitude, the iron ore was purified and transformed into crude iron (or cast iron) in another furnace, before being worked in forges. The proximity to Val Cervia, with plentiful supplies of timber for producing charcoal and water from the river Cervo, together with the stable presence of a skilled workforce from the upper Val Brembana (Bergamo), enabled these activities to be carried out in the town of Cedrasco where, between the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the waters of the irrigation channel (roggia) provided power for the mills, bellows and the trip-hammer of an iron smelting furnace and a forge, before flowing into the Adda. During the fifteenth century, the Faburro de Gavazzi family produced round iron bars (verzelle) on behalf of the Capitanei and the Beccaria families of Sondrio in this forge at the entrance to the Val Cervia. Towards the end of the sixteenth century, these activities passed into the hands of the Salis family of Soglio who constructed a new, larger forge with two bellows, two furnaces and a small forge called “la chioderia”, where iron was transformed into bars, nails and keys. Despite changing hands, the forge remained active for virtually the whole of the nineteenth century. It was turned into a small hydroelectric power station in the first half of the twentieth century. Even this power station has now fallen into disuse and the only trace of the area’s glorious past is the old irrigation channel (roggia) which still flows through the town.
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Ilaria Sanmartino;
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Il ferro delle Dolomiti: Miniere, metallurgia, produzione dal XII al XVIII secolo
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Costanza Cucini;
Studio petro-archeometrico di indicatori della prima fase del processo siderurgico. Il territorio di Piateda e di Fusine
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Fucine, ferrari e lavorazione del ferro nella Valtellina del basso medioevo
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La cultura di miniera nelle Alpi
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Mines et métallurgie au Moyen Âge: une activité hautement stratégique très tôt encadrée par des statuts complexes
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Il paesaggio scomparso della gelsicoltura in Vallagarina: un approccio geografico-storico a fonti integrate
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Piemonte archeo-minerario: Miniere e opifici da risorsa strategica a patrimonio storico-ambientale
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Il programma «Piemonte archeo-minerario»: miniere e opifici da risorsa strategica a patrimonio storico-ambientale
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I codici minerari nell'Europa preindustriale: archeologia e storia
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Brevi note sulla tradizione documentaria di alcune carte massetane in tema di miniere
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Dall'Erzgebirge alla Toscana di Cosimo I Medici: il lavoro minerario e metallurgico secondo "le ordine et statuti […] sopra le cave et meneri" del 1548
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Massa Marittima: un territorio minerario
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