Manfredini, Matteo (Author)
Breschi, Marco (Author)
Fornasin, Alessio (Author)
Mazzoni, Stanislao (Author)
De lasio, Sergio (Author)
Coppa, Alfredo (Author)
Although dramatically reduced in Western and developed countries, maternal mortality is still today one of the most relevant social and health scourges in developing countries. This is the reason why high levels of maternal mortality are always interpreted as a sign of low living standards, ignorance, poverty and woman discrimination. Maternal mortality represents, therefore, a very peculiar characteristic of demographic systems of ancien regime. Despite this important role in demographic systems, no systematic study has been addressed to investigate the impact of maternal mortality in historical Italy. The aim of this article is to shed some light on such a phenomenon by investigating its trend over time and the determinants in some Italian populations between the 18th and the early 20th centuries. The analysis will make use of civil and parish registers linked together by means of nominative techniques, and it will be, therefore, carried out at the micro level.
Francesca Arena;
Trouble dans la maternité: Pour une histoire des folies puerpérales, XVIIIe-XXe siècles
Blom, Ida;
“How to Have Healthy Children”: Responses to the Falling Birth Rate in Norway, c. 1900--1940
Claire L. Wendland;
Partial Stories: Maternal Death from Six Angles
Sarah S. Richardson;
The Maternal Imprint: The Contested Science of Maternal-Fetal Effects
Sarah Knott;
Mother Is a Verb: An Unconventional History
Woods, Robert;
Medical and Demographic History: Inseparable?
Salazar Agulló, Modesta;
Martínez Marco, Emilio A.;
Bernabeu-Mestre, Josep;
La salud materno-infantil durante el franquismo: notas bibliométricas sobre el programa “Al servicio de España y del niño español”
Agnes R Howard;
Changing Expectation: Prenatal Care and the Creation of Healthy Pregnancy
Al-Gailani, S S;
(cited 2010)
Teratology and the Clinic: Monsters, Obstetrics and the Making of Antenatal Life in Edinburgh, c. 1900
Vailly, Joëlle;
Genetic Testing, Birth, and the Quest for Health
Bracken, Hillary Jean;
Maternity and Child Welfare Reform in North India, 1900--1947
Jessica Clements;
Kari Nixon;
Optimal Motherhood and Other Lies Facebook Told Us: Assembling the Networked Ethos of Contemporary Maternity Advice
Fariñas, Diego Ramiro;
Sanz Gimeno, Alberto;
Childhood mortality in Central Spain, 1790-1960: Changes in the course of demographic modernization
Cassia Roth;
Luiz Antônio Teixeira;
From Embryotomy to Cesarean: Changes in Obstetric Operatory Techniques in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Urban Brazil
Brianna Theobald;
Reproduction on the reservation: Pregnancy, childbirth, and colonialism in the long twentieth century
Miranda R. Waggoner;
The Zero Trimester: Pre-Pregnancy Care and the Politics of Reproductive Risk
Cynthia Folkers;
Disproportionate Impacts of Radiation Exposure on Women, Children, and Pregnancy: Taking Back our Narrative
Brouwere, Vincent De;
The Comparative Study of Maternal Mortality over Time: The Role of the Professionalisation of Childbirth
Michele Savonarola;
Gabriella Zuccolin;
A Mother’s Manual for the Women of Ferrara: A Fifteenth-Century Guide to Pregnancy and Pediatrics
McIntosh, Tania;
A Social History of Maternity and Childbirth: Key Themes in Maternity Care
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