Article ID: CBB202367184

The 50th anniversary of the coupled channels Born approximation (CCBA) and the coupled reaction channels (CRC) theories of nucleon transfer reactions (a unique interplay between theory, experiment and computer technology, conducted during the most tumultuous period in modern American society) (2024)


Nucleon transfer reactions have played a fundamental role in understanding the single-particle components, shell structure and collective properties of atomic nuclei. The conventional distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) envisioned the nucleon transfer reaction as a one-step process, which proceeds directly from the ground state of the target nucleus to a state of the residual nucleus. The coupled channels Born approximation (CCBA) and coupled reaction channels (CRC) theories evolved because a number of nucleon transfer reaction cross sections could not be reconciled within the DWBA. These coupled channels models revealed that, in addition to the “one-step” process of the DWBA, “multi-step” nucleon transfer processes involving accessary pathways can participate in populating the final nuclear state. In the CCBA, the auxiliary pathways involved inelastic excitations of the target and/or residual nucleus, whereas, in the CRC, the pathways included sequential nucleon transfer passing through nuclear states of an intermediate partition. Coherent addition of contributions from one-step and multi-step nucleon transfer processes resulted in dramatic alterations in reaction cross sections, which were experimentally confirmed. The CCBA and CRC linked the structure of the nuclei participating in a reaction to modalities of nucleon transfer arising during the relative motion between the interacting ions. These complementary theories inexorably changed physicists’ interpretations of nucleon transfer reactions and, in doing so, heralded in the new field of direct heavy-ion reactions.

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Authors & Contributors
Kaiser, David Isaac
Ankeny, Rachel A.
Byrne, Peter
Chen, Chaomei
Cooper, Leon N.
Feldman, D. E.
Physics in Perspective
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
European Physical Journal H
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
University of New Mexico
Oxford University Press
University of Chicago Press
University of Notre Dame
World Scientific
Theoretical physics
Experiments and experimentation
Computers and computing
Quantum mechanics
Bardeen, John
Bohm, David Joseph
Cooper, Leon Neil
Everett, Hugh, III
Feynman, Richard Phillips
Fizeau, Armand Hippolyte Louis
Time Periods
20th century, late
21st century
19th century
United States
Soviet Union
Great Britain
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

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