Article ID: CBB194338022

Getting Behind the Object We Love the Most: Cars: Accelerating the Modern World Victoria and Albert Museum (Museum Review) (March 2021)


Recounted through artifacts, primarily automobiles, but also photographs, video, text, and automobile related installations, Cars: Accelerating the Modern World presented a history of the automobile from its beginnings—a restored 1896 Benz—to an imagined future represented by a “flying car.” The exhibition promised to help us navigate possible car futures based on what we can learn from the past.

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Authors & Contributors
Flonneau, Mathieu
Mom, Gijs
Guigueno, Vincent
Gunn, Simon
Mellström, Ulf
Pooley, Colin G.
The Journal of Transport History
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
Berghahn Books
Bloomsbury Academic
Riverside Publishing Solutions
Chiado Books
Land transportation
Technology and society
Time Periods
20th century
21st century
19th century
20th century, early
20th century, late
Great Britain
Berlin (Germany)
United States
Paris (France)
Nissan Motor Company Ltd.
Victoria and Albert Museum
Volvo Car Corporation

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