Article ID: CBB193760999

Digital Nomos and the new world order: Towards a theological critique of Silicon Valley (2021)


Among the dominant narratives that form the ideological substrate of global processes, we can identify powerful deterministic and substantivist mythologies about technology. The most influential of these is the worldview of Silicon Valley, as a producer and exporter of a political theology that holds that the impending civilizational crisis will find a technical solution. This worldview has colonized the daily life of the world, providing a new spatial ordering for our present temporality. Various critical currents have placed the substantivist-deterministic narrative in the context of an intellectual history linked to political theology, a conceptual framework that illuminates several functions of this narrative –chief among these, the function of legitimation. Therefore, the sociology of concepts proposed by Carl Schmitt allows us to identify the contradictions present within these contemporary narratives. Political theology, seen as the study of the structures and sources of political legitimacy, helps us elucidate the power that the Siliconian worldview exerts. Among other aspects, the framework of political theology highlights the fundamental invisibility of these mythologies, which is proportional to their power of domination, and sets the basis for a new digital nomos of the earth.

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Authors & Contributors
Chiles, James R.
Katz, Barry M.
Lavi, Shai Joshua
Lécuyer, Christophe M. P.
Lente, Dick van
Carusi, Annamaria
American Heritage of Invention and Technology
The Bridge: Journal of the National Academy of Engineering
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
Business History Review
Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
Science, Technology, and Human Values
Alfred A. Knopf
Amsterdam University Press
Lexington Books
Little, Brown, and Company
MIT Press
Silicon Valley (California)
Science and technology studies (STS)
Technological enthusiasm
Computers and civilization
Business history
Deleuze, Gilles
Foucault, Michel
Gadamer, Hans Georg
Wiener, Anna
Time Periods
21st century
20th century
20th century, late
United States
California (U.S.)
European Union
North America
Facebook (firm)
Intel Corporation (firm)
Twitter (firm)
Microsoft (firm)
Theranos (firm)
Google (firm)

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