In medieval and early modern writings, there is a cluster of stories concerning an artificial construct in the shape of a human body or a head that is animated for the purpose of divination, associated with such figures as Gerbert of Aurillac, Robert Grosseteste, Albertus Magnus, and Roger Bacon. Among them, the Albertus legends have been retold numerous times in interesting variations that provide insight into the changing attitudes towards intellectual magic. Given the fact that the wondrous object is described as being able to converse and even reason, its nature as a kind of medieval AI has made it an object of interest in recent books on AI, robotics, and posthumanity. In this article, the major appearances of Albertus’s speaking statue/head story will be examined in detail to show that the explanation for the wonder moved from astrology to demonic agency, as well as to pure mechanics.
...MoreBook Stephen Cave; Kanta Dihal; Sarah Dillon (2020) AI Narratives: A History of Imaginative Thinking about Intelligent Machines.
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Kunitzsch, P.;
Lelli, F.;
Hermetis Trismegisti astrologica et divinatoria
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Moving Android: On Social Robots and Body-in-Interaction
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The Persistent Peril of the Artificial Slave
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(March 2018)
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La macchina fragile. L'inconscio artificiale fra letteratura, cinema e televisione
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Android Linguistics: How Machines Do Things with Words
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Santi, Francesco;
Natura, scienze e società medievali: Studi in onore di Agostino Paravicini Bagliani
Jeck, Udo Reinhold;
Virtus Lapidum: Zur philosophischen Begründung der magischen Wirksamkeit und der physikalischen Beschaffenheit kostbarer Mineralien in der Naturphilosophie Alberts des Großen
Draelants, Isabelle;
Sannino, Antonella;
Albertinisme et hermétisme dans une anthologie en faveur de la magie, le liber aggregationis: prospective
Truitt, Elly Rachel;
(cited 2008)
From Magic to Mechanism: Medieval Automata, 1100--1550
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