Book ID: CBB191232452

Geologic Life: Inhuman Intimacies and the Geophysics of Race (2024)


Yusoff, Kathryn (Author)

Duke University Press

Publication Date: 2024
Physical Details: 608
Language: English

In Geologic Life, Kathryn Yusoff theorizes the processes by which race and racialization emerged geologically. Examining both the history of geology as a discipline and ongoing mineral and resource extraction, Yusoff locates forms of imperial geology embedded in Western and Enlightenment thought and highlights how it creates anti-Black, anti-Indigenous, and anti-Brown environmental and racial injustices. Throughout, she outlines how the disciplines of geology and geography—and their conventions: surveying, identifying, classifying, valuing, and extracting—established and perpetuated colonial practices that ordered the world and people along a racial axis. Examining the conceptualization of the inhuman as political, geophysical, and paleontological, Yusoff unearths an apartheid of materiality as distinct geospatial forms. This colonial practice of geology organized and underpinned racialized accounts of space and time in ways that materially made Anthropocene Earth. At the same time, Yusoff turns to Caribbean, Indigenous, and Black thought to chart a parallel geologic epistemology of the "earth-bound" that challenges what and who the humanities have chosen to overlook in its stories of the earth. By reconsidering the material epistemologies of the earth as an on-going geotrauma in colonial afterlives, Yusoff demonstrates that race is as much a geological formation as a biological one.

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Authors & Contributors
Antonello, Alessandro
Beinart, William
Belknap, Geoffrey
Briggs, Laura J.
Carruthers, William
Carter, Christopher Ray
American Quarterly
Environmental History
History of Science
Indian Journal of History of Science
Journal of Global History
Perspectives on Science
American Philosophical Society
Cornell University Press
Duke University Press
McGill-Queen's University Press
MIT Press
Oxford University Press
Science and race
Nature and its relationship to culture; human-nature relationships
Discipline formation
Columbus, Christopher
Thomson, John
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
20th century, early
15th century
18th century
20th century, late
United States
Great Britain
Paris (France)

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