Chapter ID: CBB191091814

Rilievo, cartografia storica e georeferenziazione (2022)


The article describes the initiatives carried out to reconstruct the history of the “archaeological/mining landscape” of the municipalities of Piateda and Fusine by acquiring the required graphic documentation. With the aid of GPS satellite positioning, the mine of Vitalengo was discovered with the associated furnaces and other structures linked to mining activities, as well as a hitherto unknown kiln at Ambria. The entrance to a tunnel, an imposing circular furnace and other related structures were also explored in the quarrying site of Val Venina. The data that was gathered was supported by meticulous fieldwork, the use of the GIS programme, air photogrammetry and accurate cartographic research. This led to the identification of nineteenth century forges that existed in the territory of the municipalities explored in the study, the irrigation channels used to provide mechanical energy and the urban contexts involved in productive activities, as well as alpine passes for mining. The data was accompanied by the creation of meticulous historical and photographic recording, backed up by graphs and three-dimensional models.

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Authors & Contributors
Paolo de Vingo
Ilaria Sanmartino
Alfredo Dell'Agosto
Cavelti Hammer, Madlena
Mathieu, Jon
Orland, Barbara
Cartographica Helvetica
Geostorie, Bolletino e Notiziario del Centro Italiano per gli Studi Storico-Geografici
Franco Angeli
Firenze University Press
Polity Press
Environmental history
Landscape; landscapes
Mines and mining
Science and industry
Arduino, Giovanni
Imfeld, Xaver
Leonardo da Vinci
Time Periods
Early modern
19th century
18th century
20th century
Alps (Europe)

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