Article ID: CBB189440728

Localization of Praziquantel Production and Clonorchiasis Control Program in Korea, 1970s~1980s (2021)


The Korean parasite control program is regarded as one of the most successful examples of health care movement in Korea. This ‘Parasite Eradication Program’ which was conducted from 1969 to 1995, involved testing and treating of 300 million people. In cooperation with Japan, parasitologists and activists who participated in the parasite control program formed a common system called the ‘Mass Testing, Mass Treatment.’ This study focuses on the localization process of Praziquantel, Clonorchiasis treatment production and its application in Clonorchiasis control program. Parasitologists rapidly introduced newly developed Praziquantel, and Korean chemists quickly reverse engineered the compound to evade patent issues. This allowed for the mass production of Praziquantel at a lower price, which in turn enabled a nationwide Clonorchiasis control program. At the same time, low price and stable supply opened the private market for Praziquantel. However, acceptance and understanding of the Praziquantel differed significantly among the stakeholders. For the government, it was a means for policy propaganda, and for the health agencies, it was a means for mass scale control program, while for the public, it was a means for maintaining conventional eating habits without risk of infection. This study reveals how the material end of a disease control policy is accepted and interpreted by different actors.

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Authors & Contributors
Kim, Ock-Joo Cho
DiMoia, John P.
Junho Jung
Avila-Pires, Fernando Dias de
Grisotti, Márcia
Manzini, Paola
Korean Journal of Medical History
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Journal of the History of Biology
Cambridge University Press
Transaction Publishers
Brandeis University's Florence Heller Graduate School for Advanced Studies in Social Welfare
Liverpool John Moores University (United Kingdom
Public health
Parasitic diseases
Corti, Bonaventura
Ruffer, Marc Armand
Eyles, Don Edgar (1915-1963)
Coatney, George Robert (1902-1990)
Time Periods
20th century, late
20th century
18th century
19th century
20th century, early
21st century
Costa Rica
U.S. National Institutes of Health
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sardegna
University of Cagliari

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