Article ID: CBB188908976

From natural flow to ‘working river’: Hydropower development, modernity and socio-territorial transformations in Lima's Rímac watershed (2018)


By combining scholarship on modernity, urbanization and territory, this paper analyses how urban-based visions and ambitions have been realized in hydropower development and specific water access and control arrangements in the Rímac watershed in Lima, Peru. The discourses that sustained and promoted hydropower plant construction and associated development projects in the watershed are scrutinized, showing how the dream of conquering nature through engineers' technical skills was enmeshed with political agendas and visions of modernizing not only nature, but also people. Besides the historical analysis, the paper also explores how historical physical-ecological, legal, social and symbolic reconfigurations continue to shape hydrosocial relations between the city of Lima and the Rímac watershed. Analysing the current management of the watershed's highland lakes and community water use from the hydropower company's tunnels shows how the history of the Rímac is not a clear cut story of water deprivation but rather of complex, entangled, multidimensional relations and dependence. In the context of increasing pressure on water resources, the socio-territorial arrangements and the watershed's history itself are becoming matters of discussion.

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Authors & Contributors
Benson, Etienne Samuel
Bouneau, Christophe
Cosens, Barbara
Graham, Wade
Green, Christopher D.
Laborie, Léonard
Environment and History
Environmental History
Journal of American History
Technology and Culture
University of Pittsburgh Press
Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura
MIT Press
Oregon State University Press
P. Lang
Environmental history
Hydroelectric power
Nature and its relationship to culture; human-nature relationships
Landscape; landscapes
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
21st century
20th century, early
20th century, late
18th century
United States
California (U.S.)
Australian Academy of Science

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