Book ID: CBB186968108

Taste of Water: Sensory Perception and the Making of an Industrialized Beverage (2023)


Have you ever wondered why your tap water tastes the way it does? The Taste of Water explores the increasing erasure of tastes from drinking water over the twentieth century. It asks how dramatic changes in municipal water treatment have altered consumers’ awareness of the environment their water comes from. Through examining the development of sensory expertise in the United States and France, this unique history uncovers the foundational role of palatability in shaping Western water treatment processes. By focusing on the relationship between taste and the environment, Christy Spackman shows how efforts to erase unwanted tastes and smells have transformed water into a highly industrialized food product divorced from its origins. The Taste of Water invites readers to question their own assumptions about what water does and should naturally taste like while exposing them to the invisible—but substantial—sensory labor involved in creating tap water.

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Authors & Contributors
Barca, Stefania
Hoffman, Karen
Macfarlane, Daniel
Millstone, Erik
Pedrocco, Piero
Sellers, Christopher C.
Journal of Historical Geography
Economic History Review
Environment and History
Environmental History
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Science as Culture
Franco Angeli
The MIT Press
UBC Press
University Press of Florida
Environmental history
Water resource management
Natural resource management
Public health
Water supply
Time Periods
20th century
21st century
19th century
20th century, late
18th century
20th century, early
United States
Venice (Italy)
Alps (Europe)
United States. Environmental Protection Agency

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