Article ID: CBB178553129

Males vergonzantes’ y prostitución reglamentada. Rosario, Argentina (1874-1932) (2016)


In late 19th and early 20th century venereal diseases received special attention in the medical, journalistic and political speeches. Local regulations regarding the issue of prostitution and the tipical problems of cities which, like Rosario, underwent a process of sudden modernization, accounted for this special attention. Prostitution appeared in epochal representations associated with venereal diseases, especially syphilis and gonorrhea, witch, together with alcoholism and tuberculosis, were characterized as some of the major preventable social ills. Prostitution was perceived as the main source of sexually transmitted infections. In this work we analyze discourses on venereal diseases also called “secret” at that time; we also analyse the fears these instilled in society and the prophylactic practices adopted to protect the individual bodies and the social body of the city when the regulated prostitution system was in force in Rosario (1874-1932).

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Authors & Contributors
Aisenberg, Andrew R.
Bernal, Encarnación
Bliss, Katherine Elaine
Calero, María Luisa
Carrillo, Juan Luis
Castejón Bolea, Ramón
Medical History
Social History of Medicine
Asclepio: Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Central European History
Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam
Cambridge University Press
Pennsylvania State University Press
University of California Press
Sexually transmitted diseases
Public health
Medicine and society
Sexual hygiene
Pizarro Jiménez, Manuel
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
15th century
Great Britain
National Health Service (Great Britain)
United States. Public Health Service

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