Book ID: CBB177377952

Medicine and Mobility in Nineteenth-Century British Literature, History, and Culture (2023)


Sandra Dinter (Editor)
Sarah Schäfer-Althaus (Editor)

Springer Nature

Publication Date: 2023
Physical Details: 302
Language: English

Medicine and Mobility in Nineteenth-Century British Literature, History, and Culture analyses the cultural and literary histories of medicine and mobility as entangled processes whose discourses and practices constituted, influenced, and transformed each other. Presenting case studies of novels, poetry, travel narratives, diaries, ship magazines, skin care manuals, asylum records, press reports, and various other sources, its chapters identify and discuss diverse literary, historical, and cultural texts, contexts, and modes in which medicine and mobility intersected in nineteenth-century Britain, its empire, and beyond, whereby they illustrate how the paradigms of mobility studies and the medical humanities can complement each other.

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Authors & Contributors
Boddice, Rob
Burnard, Trevor
Chess, Simone
Day, Carolyn A.
Farr, Jason S.
Follett, Richard
Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Historical Journal
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
Springer Nature
Cambridge University Press
Bloomsbury Academic
Paderborn Fink
Palgrave Macmillan
Medicine and culture
Medicine and literature
Disease and diseases
Disabilities; disability; accessibility
Great Britain, colonies
Dryden, John
Joyce, James
Montagu, Mary Wortley, Lady
Proust, Marcel
Swift, Jonathan
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
17th century
20th century
20th century, early
16th century
Great Britain

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