Book ID: CBB174692093

Hot tubs and Pac-Man: gender and the early video game industry in the United States (1950s-1980s) (2020)


Anne Ladyem McDivitt (Author)

De Gruyter Oldenbourg

Publication Date: 2020
Edition Details: Book series: Book Series: Video Games and the Humanities, Volume 1
Physical Details: 136
Language: English

This work looks at the gendered nature of the US video gaming industry. Although there were attempts to incorporate women into development roles and market towards them as players, the creation of video games and the industry began in a world strongly gendered male. The early 1980s saw a blip of hope that the counter-cultural industry focused on fun would begin to include women, but after the video game industry crash, this free-wheeling freedom of the industry ended along with the beginnings of the inclusion of women. Many of the threads that began in the early years continued or have parallels with the modern video game industry. The industry continues to struggle with gender relations in the workplace and with the strongly gendered male demographic that the industry perceives as its main market. (Publisher)

Reviewed By

Review Carly A. Kocurek (October 2023) Review of "Hot tubs and Pac-Man: gender and the early video game industry in the United States (1950s-1980s)". Technology and Culture (pp. 1365-1367). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Laura Ann Twagira
Bo Ruberg
Ettinger, Laura E.
Fren, Allison de
Hicks, Marie
Irish, Sharon
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
Technology and Culture
Technology's Stories
Engineering Studies
Environmental History
Science-Fiction Studies
Duke University Press
Fort Schuyler Press
McGill-Queen's University Press
New York University Press
The MIT Press
Technology and gender
Women and technology
Video games
History of Computing
Time Periods
20th century
21st century
19th century
20th century, late
United States
Great Britain

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