Article ID: CBB174345086

The Nature of Biomimicry: Toward a Novel Technological Culture (September 2017)


Biomimicry is a rising popular ecology movement and method that urges the derivation of innovative and environmentally sound design from organic systems. This essay explores the notion of nature in biomimicry as articulated by the movement’s founder, Janine Benyus, and the nature of biomimicry as practiced by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) media ecologist Neri Oxman. Benyus’s approach, I show, promotes biomimicry as a science of nature in which nature is treated as a source for innovative design that can be emulated in technological apparatus. Such an approach is problematic, I argue, for its valorization of organic form, which results in both a rigid system of ethics demanding absolute separation of nature and technology. By contrast, Oxman’s work, I show, pursues biomimicry as a technology of nature. In so doing, I argue, it mobilizes a neomaterialist style of interaction with organic materials that ultimately enjoins a radically different way of thinking nature, technology, and technoethics.

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Authors & Contributors
Berne, Rosalyn W.
Hollin, Gregory
Keller, Evelyn Fox
Lavi, Shai Joshua
Redfield, Peter
Vallor, Shannon
Science, Technology, and Human Values
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
The Bridge: Journal of the National Academy of Engineering
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
Social Studies of Science
Engineering Studies
Carocci Editore
New York University Press
Oxford University Press
Science and technology studies (STS)
Technology and ethics
Computers and computing
Time Periods
21st century
20th century
20th century, late
United States
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT

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