Abstract A little more than a century ago at the turn of the 1920s two eminent scientists—Jean Perrin (1870-1942) in France and Arthur Eddington (1882-1944) in the United Kingdom—speculated that the energy source at the core of the Sun was a product of nuclear reactions. Their intuition was a huge departure from the theories that had prevailed until then. In the years that followed a clearer understanding 1 of the hydrogen fusion process at the core of Sun-like stars led to a Promethean ambition: reproducing and harnessing fusion reactions to gain access here on Earth to a new sustainable source of energy for generating electricity on a massive scale.
Helge Kragh;
The problem of solar energy generation: from Eddington to Bethe
Gooday, Graeme;
Sunspots, Weather, and the Unseen Universe: Balfour Stewart's Anti-Materialist Representations of “Energy” in British Periodicals
Hoskin, Michael;
Orientations of Dolmens of Western Europe: Summary and Conclusions
Klodian Coko;
Jean Perrin and the Philosophers’ Stories: The Role of Multiple Determination in Determining Avogadro’s Number
Nye, Mary Jo;
Science and socialism: The case of Jean Perrin in the Third Republic
George E. Smith;
Raghav Seth;
Brownian Motion and Molecular Reality
Hentschel, Klaus;
Letter to the Editor
Wesemael, Francois;
“Unaffected by Fortune, Good or Bad”: Context and Reception of Chandrasekhar's Mass-Radius Relationship for White Dwarfs, 1935--1965
Mota, Elsa;
Crawford, Paulo;
Simões, Ana;
Einstein in Portugal: Eddington's Expedition to Principe and the Reactions of Portuguese Astronomers (1917--25)
Stanley, Matthew;
So Simple a Thing as a Star: The Eddington--Jeans Debate over Astrophysical Phenomenology
Durham, Ian T.;
Rethinking the History of Solar Wind Studies: Eddington's Analysis of Comet Morehouse
Sponsel, Alistair;
Constructing a “Revolution in Science”: The Campaign to Promote a Favourable Reception for the 1919 Solar Eclipse Experiments
Batten, Alan H;
Creed and Experience: Eddington on Science and Religion
Hufbauer, Karl;
Stellar Structure and Evolution, 1924--1939
Batten, Alan H.;
What Eddington Did Not Say
Stanley, Matthew George;
Practical Mystic: Religion and Science in the Life and Work of A. S. Eddington
Ipe, Alex Ike;
Plausibility and the Theoreticians' Regress: Constructing the Evolutionary Fate of Stars
Papanelopoulou, Faidra;
Paris-Province: Energy Physics in Mid-Nineteenth-Century France
David Baneke;
Let’s Not Talk About Science: The Normalization of Big Science and the Moral Economy of Modern Astronomy
Barandiaran, Javiera;
Reaching for the Stars? Astronomy and Growth in Chile
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