Eckardt, Dietrich (Author)
The present book describes the development history of turbojet engines, mainly in the web-type triangle Great Britain (USA) - Germany - Switzerland from early beginnings in the 1920s up to the first practical usage in the 1950s, before the still unbroken, grand impact of aero propulsion technology on global air traffic started. interconnections are highlighted, including the considerable impact of axial-flow compressor design know-how of the Swiss/German company BBC Brown Boveri & Cie. on both sides. The author reveals significant undercurrents which led to a considerable exchange, and thus change in understanding of the technical-historical perspective, especially in the decisive years before WWII, and thus closes gaps in the unilateral views of this ground-breaking technical advancement. The old ‘Whittle vs. von Ohain Saga’ is not repeated in full, but addressed in sufficient detail to understand the considerably enlarged narrative scope.
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The Jet Race and the Second World War
Hermione Giffard;
Making Jet Engines in World War II: Britain, Germany, and the United States
Davies, R. E. G.;
Airlines of the Jet Age: A History
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How Knowledge Moves: Writing the Transnational History of Science and Technology
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Epistemic Network: The Jesuits and Tropical Cyclone Prediction, 1860–1900
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Jianjun Mei;
Multicivilizational Exchanges in the Making of Modern Science: Needham’s Dialogical Vision
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Wissenstransfer in globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive
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Heinsohn, Kirsten;
Belastete Beziehungen. Studien zur Wirkung von Exil und Remigration auf die Wissenschaften in Deutschland nach 1945
Downer, John;
When the Chick Hits the Fan: Representativeness and Reproducibility in Technological Tests
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Women's medicine: Sex, family planning and British female doctors in transnational perspective, 1920–70
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Socrates on the Farm: Agricultural Improvement and Rural Knowledge in Eighteenth-Century Germany and Switzerland
Nissen, Mogens R.;
From War Profits to Post-War Investments: How The German Occupation Improved Investments in Danish Agriculture in the Post-War Years
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From Insight to Innovation: Engineering Ideas That Transformed America in the Twentieth Century
Sandro Fehr;
Die Erschliessung der dritten Dimension: Entstehung und Entwicklung der zivilen Luftfahrtinfrastruktur in der Schweiz, 1919–1990
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On the Experience of Activity: William James's Late Metaphysics and the Influence of Nineteenth-Century French Spiritualism
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Human Zoos: Science and Spectacle in the Age of Colonial Empires
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Felix Selgert;
Technology transfer via foreign patents in Germany, 1843–77
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Galambos, Louis;
The German Connection: Merck and the Flow of Knowledge from Germany to the United States, 1880--1930
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Books without Borders in Enlightenment Europe: French Cosmopolitanism and German Literary Markets
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Studies on the Charateristics of Seeds and the Metamorphosis of Plants: The Reception of L.-Cl. Richard's Textbooks in Weimar-Jena
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