Article ID: CBB164570661

Noddle Pox: Syphilis and the Conception of Nosomania/Nosophobia (c. 1665–c. 1965) (2020)


Hypochondriac or phobic reactions to venereal disease, specifically syphilis, have invited over three centuries of medical reification and nosological reframing. This bibliographic overview establishes that the early specification and psychiatricization of early modern concepts of melancholy and hypochondriasis, imaginary syphilis or syphilophobia, animated the early respective territorializations of venereology, infectiology more broadly, neurology, and mental medicine. Together with mercuriophobia and a wider emergent clinical sensitivity to sexual angst, the diagnosis, while evidently only sporadically made, functioned as a durable soundboard in the confrontation of emergent medical rationale with various confounders and contenders: medically literate and increasingly mobile but possibly deluded patients; charlatans and putative malpractitioners; self-referral laboratory serology (after 1906); and eventually, through psychoanalysis, the patient’s unconscious. Requiring medical psychology early on, syphilology became and remained self-conscious and circumspect, attentive to the casualties of overdiagnosis, overtreatment, and iatrogenesis. Finally, patient apprehension led to makeshift forms of “moral treatment,” including fear-instilling and placebos.

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Authors & Contributors
Berrios, German E.
Schioldann, Johan
Beam, Alex
Brookes, Barbara L.
Chiang, Howard Hsueh-Hao
Ghazal, Yazan Abu
History of Psychiatry
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century
Histoire des Sciences Médicales
History of the Human Sciences
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
Franco Angeli
Oxford University Press
Pickering & Chatto
Rutgers University Press
Mental disorders and diseases
Nosology; classification of diseases
Medical psychology
Psychiatric hospitals
Braid, James
Brierre de Boismont, Alexandre-Jacques-François
Charcot, Jean Martin
Mesmer, Franz Anton
Wimmer, August
Esquirol, Jean Étienne Dominique
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
18th century
17th century
21st century
Early modern
Ontario (Canada)
Berlin (Germany)
Massachusetts (U.S.)
McLean Hospital (Belmont, Mass.)
Toronto Hospital for the Insane
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)

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