Rudwick, Martin J.S. (Author)
The method of ‘re-treading’ the fieldwork of past geologists is analogous to the method of ‘re-staging’ historically significant laboratory experiments. Neither provides any short cut to scientific or historical truth, nor grounds for celebrating or condemning the work of past scientists. Yet both can yield valuable insights into those scientists’ on-the-spot thinking, their reasoning and their eventual presentation of their conclusions. As a historical research method, the ‘re-treading’ of fieldwork has been relatively neglected, although it has many parallels with more traditional methods centred on the analysis of texts and their accompanying images. This paper summarises a few examples of ‘retreading’, drawn from the author’s published research on fieldwork by European geologists in the decades around 1800; but the methods described here can be, and deserve to be, adopted much more widely.
Herbert, Sandra;
Into the Field Again: Re-Examining Charles Darwin's 1835 Geological Work on Isla Santiago (James Island) in the Galápagos Archipelago
Francesco Luzzini;
Agordo fu fatale. Le ricerche e l’ultimo viaggio di Friedrich Mohs (1773-1839)
Francesco Luzzini;
Scalare il Sublime: Scienza e storia nel primo volume del Memoriale dell’Hotel Nave d’Oro di Predazzo (1820-1875)
Paolo Mazzarello;
I viaggi scientifici di Lazzaro Spallanzani
Fabio D'Angelo;
La scienza itinerante. Formazione delle competenze e impiego delle risorse minerario-metallurgiche tra il Regno di Napoli e l'Europa (secoli XVIII-XIX)
Michael S. Reidy;
Darwin's Vertical Thinking: Mountains, Mobility, and the Imagination in 19th-Century Geology
Aragonès, Enric;
Lyell's Journey in Catalonia
Kolbl-Ebert, M.;
The Geological Travels of Charles Lyell, Charlotte Murchison and Roderick Impey Murchison in France and Northern Italy (1828)
Wilson, L. G.;
The Geological Travels of Sir Charles Lyell in Madeira and the Canary Islands, 1853--1854
Gohau, Gabriel;
Darwin the Geologist: Between Lyell and von Buch
Gohau, Gabriel;
Darwin and the Geological Controversies over the Steady-State Worldview in the 1830s
Stoddart, D. R.;
Darwin, Lyell, and the geological significance of coral reefs
Laurent, Goulven;
Lamarck, Lyell et Darwin
Bartholomew, Michael;
The non-progress of non-progression: Two responses to Lyell's doctrine
González Recio, José Luis;
Entre John Herschel y Charles Lyell: los compromisos metodológicos y teóricos en la geología de Darwin
Thorson, Robert M;
Walden's Shore: Henry David Thoreau and Nineteenth-Century Science
Rudwick, Martin J. S.;
Lyell and Darwin, Geologists: Studies in the Earth Sciences in the Age of Reform
Sponsel, Alistair William;
Coral Reef Formation and the Sciences of Earth, Life, and Sea, c. 1770--1952
Ezio Vaccari;
Abraham Gottlob Werner e l'Italia. Contributo allo studio della circolazione di teorie geo-mineralogiche tra Settecento e Ottocento
Rossella De Ceglie;
Carla Petrocelli;
Dentro il vulcano. Il viaggio a Napoli di Gimbernat e Babbage nella prima metà dell’Ottocento
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