Lin, Wen-yuan (Author)
Law, John (Author)
In Mandarin, the English word ‘nature’ translates as ‘ziran’ (自然zìrán) in science, biomedicine and everyday life. At the same time, ziran indexes a second older set of meanings that make little immediate sense in English. Current in many Chinese medical practices as well as in classical Chinese philosophy, these include ‘what is spontaneously so’ or ‘let the character of the self unfold’. In this article we explore how these two families of meaning are related by particular Taiwanese Chinese medical practitioners as they describe how they negotiate the relations between biomedicine and Chinese medicine in daily professional practice. At the same time, inspired by related logic-shifting writing in anthropology, postcolonial studies and postcolonial STS, we draw on the ‘art of patterning’ (辨證 biàn zhèng) to understand how ziran-nature relations are specified in those accounts. Patterning is the art of specifying the shifting arrangements and misalignments that lead to ill health. Treating this as a way of thinking about ziran-related overlaps between biomedicine and Chinese medicine, we show that patterning attends not to objects ‘out there’ but to appearances (象xiang, xiàng). Put into use as an STS term of art it therefore shifts the epistemological basis of inquiry because case-stories no longer reveal underlying mechanisms, but instead narrate patterned appearances. One implication of this is that any particular pattern diagnosis lies alongside a galaxy of alternatives that might be equally good to think with. Within the limits set by referential academic conventions, we thus attempt a postcolonial shi (勢)-inflected STS in this paper by resisting the use of a single analytical framework, instead setting different forms of patterning alongside one another.
Wen-Yuan Lin;
(May 2017)
Shi (勢), STS, and Theory Or What Can We Learn from Chinese Medicine?
Wen-yuan Lin;
Kanbujian de xingdong nengli: Cong xingdongzhe wangluo dao weiyi lilun 看不見的行動能力:從行動者網絡到位移理論 (Invisible Agency: A Theory of Displacement for Subalterns)
Fu, Daiwie;
How Far Can East Asian STS Go?
Hong, Sungook;
East Asian STS: Some Critical Issues
Chen-I. Kuan;
(March 2020)
Understanding Technology in Birth Care from the Experiences of Taiwanese Obstetricians
Chia-Ling Wu;
Jung-Ok Ha;
Azumi Tsuge;
(March 2020)
Data Reporting as Care Infrastructure: Assembling ART Registries in Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea
Hon-Ngen Fung;
Consilz Tan;
Networking Universities and Hospitals: A Case Study of Research and Commercialization in the Taiwanese Herbal Medicine Sector
Chan-Yuan Wong;
Dynamic Capabilities in a Learning Society—The Case of Taiwan in Controlling the Coronavirus Outbreak
Smanla, Tsewang;
Millard, Colin;
The Preservation and Development of Amchi Medicine in Ladakh
Meng Zhang;
An Unchallengeable Value: Foreign Physicians, Chinese Medical Elites, and Normalizing Masks in Semi-Colonial China
Chiang, Howard;
From Postcolonial to Subimperial Formations of Medicine: Superregional Perspectives from Taiwan and Korea
Zhan, Mei;
Other-Worldly: Making Chinese Medicine through Transnational Frames
Togo Tsukahara;
Jianjun Mei;
(June 2020)
Putting Joseph Needham in the East Asian Context: Commentaries on Papers about the Reception of Needham’s Works in Korea and Taiwan
Anne Kerr;
Tineke Broer;
Emily Ross;
Sarah Cunningham Burley;
(August 2019)
Polygenic risk-stratified screening for cancer: Responsibilization in public health genomics
Katrin Amelang;
Susanne Bauer;
(August 2019)
Following the algorithm: How epidemiological risk-scores do accountability
Marcia Villanueva;
Medical training as a transformative experience: An analysis of doctorhood to question the professional identity formation paradigm
Chan-Yuan Wong;
Sangook Park;
Diverged Evolutionary Pathways of Two Public Research Institutes in Taiwan and Korea: Shared Missions and Varied Organizational Dynamics in ITRI and KIST
Hsin-Hsing Chen;
Field Report: Taiwan’s RCA Litigation and Its Multiple Outreaches: The Experience of an STS Community, 2011–2023
Daiwie Fu;
(June 2020)
Emergence, Social and Cognitive Trends, and the Next Step? Two Decades of STS in Contemporary Taiwan (Essay)
Chih-yuan Yang;
Bronislaw Szerszynski;
Brian Wynne;
(September 2018)
The Making of Power Shortage: The Sociotechnical Imaginary of Nationalist High Modernism and Its Pragmatic Rationality in Electricity Planning in Taiwan
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