Inspired by Roland Barthes’s practice of "semioclasm" in Mythologies, this book offers a "technoclasm"; a cultural critique of US narratives, discourses, images, and objects that have transformed the politics of automation into statements of fact about the "rise of the robots". Treating automation as an ensemble of technologies and science fictions, this book foregrounds automation’s ideologies, exaggerations, failures, and mystifications of the social value of human labor in order to question accepted and prolific automation mythologies. Jesse Ramirez offers a study of automation that recognizes automation as a technosocial project, that uses the tools of cultural studies and history to investigate the narratives and ideologies that often implicitly frame the automation debate, and that concretely and soberly assesses the technologies that have made the headlines. The case studies featured include some of the most widely cited and celebrated automatic technologies, such as the Baxter industrial robot, the self-driving car, and the Watson AI system. An ideal resource for anyone interested in or studying emerging technology and society, automation, Marxist cultural theory, cultural studies, science fiction studies, and the cultural history of technology.
John Zerilli;
A Citizen's Guide to Artificial Intelligence
Laura Forlano;
Danya Glabau;
Neda Atanasoski;
Kalindi Vora;
Surrogate Humanity: Race, Robots, and the Politics of Technological Futures
Alessandro Delfanti;
Bronwyn Frey;
(May 2021)
Humanly Extended Automation or the Future of Work Seen through Amazon Patents
Rubin, Eli;
Synthetic Socialism: Plastics and Dictatorship in the German Democratic Republic
Martina Heßler;
Überflüssigwerden, reparieren und ermächtigen: Facetten eines anthropozentrischen Diskurses um die technische Ersetzung der Menschen (Making superfluous, repairing and empowering: Facets of an Anthropocentric Discourse around the Technical Replacement of Humans)
Mark Coeckelbergh;
AI Ethics
Laura Leondina Campanozzi;
Eugenio Guglielmelli;
Eleonora Cella;
Giampaolo Ghilardi;
Mirta Michilli;
Alfonso Molina;
Massimo Ciccozzi;
Vittoadolfo Tambone;
(December 2019)
Building Trust in Social Robotics: A Pilot Survey
Joeri Bruyninckx;
Somatic Vigilance and Sonic Skills in Experimental Plasma Physics
Brian Simbirski;
Cybernetic Muse: Hannah Arendt on Automation, 1951–1958
Stephen Cave;
Kanta Dihal;
Sarah Dillon;
AI Narratives: A History of Imaginative Thinking about Intelligent Machines
Kenny Cupers;
Catharina Gabrielsson;
Helena Mattsson;
Neoliberalism on the Ground: Architecture and Transformation from the 1960s to the Present
Valentina Roxo;
Missing Green in the Black Gold: Environment in the Public Debate on West Siberian Oil Production from the 1970s to the Present
Jacob Ward;
Visions of a Digital Nation: Market and Monopoly in British Telecommunications
Sergey Davydov;
Internet in the Post-Soviet Area: Technological, Economic and Political Aspects
Adam Sargent;
Alexandra H Vinson;
Reed Stevens;
(August 2021)
Sensing defects: Collaborative seeing in engineering work
Richard Hirsh;
Fifteen Years Later: Whither Restructuring in the American Electric Utility System?
Van Vleck, Jenifer.;
An Airline at the Crossroads of the World: Ariana Afghan Airlines, Modernization, and the Global Cold War
Albalate, Daniel;
Bel i Queralt, Germa;
The Economics and Politics of High-speed Rail: Lessons from Experiences Abroad
Alex Leveringhaus;
Ethics and Autonomous Weapons
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