Article ID: CBB158361114

A Medieval Climate Anomaly: The Qarakhanid Adaptation (2023)


A synthesis of paleoclimatic, archaeological, and literary evidence from Central Asia (Transoxiana and the Tarim Basin) during the tenth through twelfth centuries suggests that the Qarakhanid state adapted its hybrid economy to a unique climate regime characterized by drought created by the Medieval Climate Anomaly. To adapt, the Qarakhanids expanded the agricultural and pastoral sections of their economy into foothill and highland ecologies and used diplomacy to support a transregional trade network that helped to stimulate drought-stressed oasis economies on both sides of the Tian Shan. New methodological conclusions relevant for the study of interdisciplinary environmental history in general and for the historiography of premodern mobile pastoralist states in particular provide frameworks for future study.

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Authors & Contributors
Auricchio, Laura
Cazzola, Franco
Cook, Elizabeth Heckendorn
Cushman, Gregory Todd
Dyer, Christopher
Fumian, Carlo
Journal of Interdisciplinary History
Agricultural History
Environment and History
History in Africa
Agri Centuriati, An International Journal of Landscape Archaeology
Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Cambridge University Press
Carocci Editore
Firenze University Press
Oxford University Press
Environmental history
Science and economics
Science and politics
Food and foods
Antonil, André João
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
17th century
18th century
Bengal (India)
Colorado (U.S.)
Jesuits (Society of Jesus)

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