Kroum Batchvarov (Author)
Vladislav Todorov (Author)
Recent work undertaken by the Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project in the territorial waters of Bulgaria, uncovered 37 Ottoman-Period shipwrecks, demonstrating the high density of seafaring activities in the Black Sea. Though the finds are important in understanding Ottoman seafaring technology, they provide little information about life on board. The Kitten shipwreck remains the sole fully excavated nautical site of this period in the Black Sea. This article discusses artifacts found on board this late eighteenth- early nineteenth-century shipwreck, excavated on the southern Bulgarian coast. The finds offer insights into shipboard life, the religious background of the crew, and support historical references to the family nature of seafaring ventures.
John McCarthy;
Wendy van Duivenvoorde;
A Virtual Reconstruction of the Batavia Shipwreck in Its Landscape
Frederick H. Hanselmann;
Captain Kidd's lost ship: the wreck of the Quedagh Merchant
James W. Hunter;
Kieran Hosty;
Rick Bullers;
Irini Malliaros;
Adam Paterson;
Chris Wilson;
Tim Zapor;
Katarina Jerbic;
Wendy van Duivenvoorde;
Unearthing South Australia’s Oldest Known Shipwreck: The Bark South Australian (1837)
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Stories from the Wreckage: a Great Lakes maritime history inspired by shipwrecks
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Bradford M. Jones;
Reverse Engineering a Bronze Cannon from the La Belle Shipwreck
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David Steinberg;
Hiroshi Ishii;
An Immersive Digital Commemoration of the Japanese Submarine I-124 Sunk in 1942 outside Darwin Harbor, Australia
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Pour une histoire de l'archéologie navale: les bateaux et l'histoire (For a history of naval archaeology: ships and history)
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Connecting Sunken Actors: Social Network Analysis in Maritime Archaeology
Kurt Bennett;
Examining Nineteenth-Century British Colonial-Built Ships HMS Buffalo and Edwin Fox: Two Case Studies from New Zealand
William Gomez Pretel;
Moon-Soo Jeong;
Shipwrecks on Roncador Cay, the Caribbean Sea and Their Relationship with Hurricanes, 1492-1920
Aleksandŭr Kostov;
Инженерството на Балканите от началото на XVIII век до Първата световна война
Natali Pearson;
Too Little, Too Late? Redefining the Legacy of HMAS Perth (I), an Australian Warship Sunk in Indonesian Waters
Michael J. Gall;
Adam Heinrich;
Ilene Grossman-Bailey;
Philip A. Hayden;
Justine McKnight;
The Place beyond the Fence: Slavery and Cultural Invention on a Delaware Tenant Farm
Juan Guillermo Martín;
Juan Felipe Pérez Díaz;
William Gómez Pretel;
Underwater Archaeology in Colombia: Between Commercial Salvage and Science
Mick de Ruyter;
Wendy van Duivenvoorde;
(March 2023)
Introduction: Contextualizing Maritime Archaeology in Australasia
Ruzena J. Zatko;
Quagga Mussels, Submerged Resources, and Archaeology: How to Preserve Submerged Planes in Freshwater
Kahraman Şakul;
The first official attempt at coal mining in the Ottoman Empire: The taxfarm management of Yedikumlar coal mine
Rolf Fabricius Warming;
The Viking Age shields from the ship burial at Gokstad: a re-examination of their construction and function
Mensun Bound;
The Ship Beneath the Ice: The Discovery of Shackleton's Endurance
Zorlu, Tuncay;
Innovation and Empire in Turkey: Sultan Seim III and the Modernisation of the Ottoman Navy
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