Article ID: CBB150662150

The Hard Math of Beauty: Gerard Manley Hopkins and "Spectral Numbers" (2021)


This article examines number-space synesthesia (NSS), a phenomenon first identified by Francis Galton in 1880. Experienced by a small percentage of the population, NSS involves the capacity to visualize numerals in highly personalized spatial formations. The article argues that the Victorian interest in NSS is tied to the larger nineteenth-century interest in non-Euclidean geometry. Analyzing the contributions of the priest and poet Gerard Manley Hopkins to his father's book The Cardinal Numbers (1887), in which the younger Hopkins describes his own experience of NSS, the article demonstrates that NSS operates in a similar way to non-Euclidean geometry by removing numbers from the realm of practical use and rendering them aesthetic objects. In the hands of Hopkins, numbers become the raw material for artistic creation.

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Authors & Contributors
Campen, Crétien van
Day, Sean A.
Fiorentini, Erna
Jewanski, Jorg
Kennedy, Meegan
Kleinschmidt, Harald
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
British Journal for the History of Science
19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century
German History
History of Science
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
Oxford University Press
Taylor & Francis
Boydell Press
MIT Press
Ohio State University Press
Palgrave Macmillan
Visual perception
Senses and sensation; perception
Visual representation; visual communication
Brewster, David
Darwin, Charles Robert
Darwin, Erasmus
Euler, Leonhard
Flournoy, Théodore
Lee, Vernon (Violet Paget)
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
18th century
Early modern
Great Britain
British Admiralty

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