Article ID: CBB148420391

Rice: The Colonial Origins of Food Crop Research in West Africa (2023)


Colonial powers in West Africa emphasized agricultural research and development on export crops at the expense of food crops. The major exception was rice where both the British and French prioritized research despite its relatively minor role in the diets of most colonies. This paper analyzes the special status of rice in colonial development programs. It surveys the parallel development of centralized rice research capacity in both British and French colonies but their very different experiences immediately after independence. The final section describes the emerging set of international actors who facilitated the development of a regional approach to rice research shortly after independence.

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Authors & Contributors
Coclanis, Peter A.
Akyeampong, Emmanuel
Anderson, Warwick H.
Basu, Paul
Hahn, Barbara
Hayden, Christopher Ellis
History and Technology
International Journal of African Historical Studies
Journal of Global History
Agricultural History
Comparative Studies in Society and History
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
Duke University Press
Rowman & Littlefield
McMaster University (Canada)
Northwestern University
The Johns Hopkins University Press
Rice and rice industry
France, colonies
Great Britain, colonies
Economic botany; plant cultivation; horticulture
Brosselard-Faidherbe, Henri
Guichard, Franck
Kerharo, Joseph
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
20th century, early
18th century
21st century
West Africa
National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT)
West African Rice Development Association

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