Deirdre Madeleine Smith (Author)
Do animals other than humans make what some humans call "art"? What might other animals' graphic and aesthetic behaviors reveal about art's "origins"? In this article, I critically examine the multidisciplinary histories of attempts to answer these questions through two cases: one on nonhuman primate painting and drawing studies, and the other on writing about bowerbirds. Rather than weigh in on the questions myself, I assess the ethical and intellectual stakes and risks the questions pose, particularly given the often cursorily defined significance of "art" in the literature, and the anthropocentrism and Eurocentrism that have lurked in its discourses. More than this, I suggest that while these are questions for which humans should not be assured they can find a definitive answer, they are nonetheless revealing about the ontology and epistemology of art.
Brooks, R.;
All Too Human: Responses to Same-Sex Copulation in the Common Cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha (L.)), 1834--1900
Peaker, Carol;
Mutual Aid, A Factor of Peter Kropotkin's Literary Criticism
O'Rourke, Karen;
Walking and Mapping: Artists as Cartographers
Amelia DeFalco;
What Do Sex Robots Want? Representation, Materiality, and Queer Use
Kris Paulsen;
Here/There: Telepresence, Touch, and Art at the Interface
Heekyoung Cho;
The Platformization of Culture: Webtoon Platforms and Media Ecology in Korea and Beyond
Imre Szeman;
Jeff Diamanti;
Energy culture: Art and theory on oil and beyond
Lisa Blackmore;
Gómez, Liliana;
Liquid ecologies in Latin American and Caribbean art
Tayu Wu;
Harry Yi-Jui Wu;
A Radiologist’s Self-Dissection and Therapy (Essay)
Michael Ruse;
Robert J. Richards;
The Cambridge Handbook of Evolutionary Ethics
Philippa Levine;
Eugenics: A Very Short Introduction
Gordon L. Miller;
The rain calls of frogs and the reigning paradigm of American herpetology
Weber, Bruce H.;
Depew, David J.;
Evolution and Learning: The Baldwin Effect Reconsidered
Schönfeld, Martin;
Animal Consciousness: Paradigm Change in the Life Sciences
Carel van Schaik;
Judith-Maria Burkart;
„Othering“ bei nichtmenschlichen Primaten: Gruppenwechsel, Migration und soziale Integration
Barbara Larson;
Sabine Flach;
Darwin and Theories of Aesthetics and Cultural History
Carsten Strathausen;
Bioaesthetics: Making Sense of Life in Science and the Arts
Fiona Carroll;
Margaret Webb;
Simon Cropper;
(September 2018)
Losing Our Senses Online: Investigating How Aesthetics Might Be Used to Ground People in Cyberspace
Richard Qi Li;
Taoist Data Visualization: An Embodied Aesthetic Approach to Data Visualization Through Gesture-Based Technology
Goodyear, Anne Collins;
Weitekamp, Margaret A;
Analyzing Art and Aesthetics
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